This page was created as a "template" for developing webpages for wild horse and burro gathers.
The policy mandating creation of a page for each gather is found in IM 2013-061:
It is highly recommended that each gather webpage is created and published prior to the news release announcing the gather, so that a link to the webpage can be included in the news release.
How to use this "template"
1. Do not edit this page. Create a new site page and copy/paste each section to your new page and complete with the required information.
2. Follow the instructions. A How-To guide was created to help guide the creation of a gather page. It is especially important to maintain consistent naming conventions across site pages and associated basic nodes. Access the instructions on the Web Team sharepoint site.
3. Need help? Contact WO Public Affairs for Wild Horse and Burro Program Jason Lutterman.
[Year] [HMA Name] [Emergency, if applicable] Wild Horse [or Burro] Gather
Purpose of Gather:
Add the elevator pitch for why the gather is necessary. For example: population growth management, emergency due to limited water/forage, sage-grouse habitat, private property, court order, etc.
Details of Gather:
Add text here. Important information to include: the anticipated dates of the gather, type of gather (helicopter vs. bait), number to be gathered, number to be removed, number to be treated with fertility control, BLM offices handling the gather, along with other details that are pertinent to the gather.
Public Observation:
Describe the public observation opportunities with the gather. Mention any planned social media activity or hashtags (i.e., follow along with the gather...)
If public observation will not be offered due to the gather being a bait-trap gather, example text to use:
The BLM will conduct this operation using temporary water and bait traps consisting of a series of corral panels stocked with water and hay. Because of the nature of the bait and water trap method, wild horses are reluctant to approach the trap site when there is too much activity; therefore, only essential gather operation personnel will be allowed at the trap site during operations. No helicopters will be used.
Adoption Information:
Include where the horses will be shipped to and made available for adoption. Include link on how to adopt/purchase a wild horse/burro.
Sample language:
Animals removed from the ADD HMA NAME will be made available for adoption or purchase at ADD FACILITY through the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption and Sales Program. Those that are not placed into a new home will be cared for in off-range pastures, where they live off the rest of their lives on grass pastures.
Add text here, to include information about the HMA (including AML) and a link to the HMA page. The background information should end with: a representative photo and link to a Flickr album.
Gather Reports
[day], [date]
Summary: At a minimum, note whether gather operations occurred and weather, if known.
Animals Gathered:
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: Delete this line if gather does not include fertility control
Animals Released: Delete this line if gather does not include releasing any animals
Animals Shipped:
Deaths: 0
- Sudden/Acute: 0
- Chronic/Pre-existing: 0
Provide short description of each animal death, if any. Example: 12-year-old black stallion was humanely euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070, due to a hopeless prognosis for recovery from a pre-existing condition (fetlocks).