Aquatic Resources
Conserve and restore riparian, fisheries, and water resources to provide resource values and ecosystem services necessary to achieve the BLM’s multiple use and sustained yield mandate.
BLM's Aquatic Resources
Riparian and wetland areas, lakes, streams, and aquifers on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are among the most important, productive, and diverse resources in the Nation, providing sustained value to the American public. They provide habitat for myriad species of plants, fish, and wildlife; provide ecosystem services such as drinking water, pollination, and nutrient cycling; attenuate effects of wildfires, floods, and drought; and are key to the vitality of local economies and communities.
Aquatic resources also support permitted activities on public lands such as livestock grazing, energy and mineral development, timber production, and countless recreation opportunities. The BLM's Aquatic Resources Program works with BLM managers, tribal, federal, state and local governments and non-governmental partners to ensure the long term sustainability of aquatic resources for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Read about Aquatic Resources Program highlights
Aquatic Resources Program Highlights
Quick Links
Aquatic Resources Program Five Year Strategic Plan
Featured Video
Learn about Lamprey on the Sandy River in Oregon. Check out our entire fisheries playlist on @BLMNational YouTube.