Upper Snake Field Office
The BLM's Upper Snake Field Office is the largest field office in the Idaho Falls District, managing about 1,854,000 acres of BLM-administered lands in eastern Idaho. The boundaries of the field office include Craters of the Moon to the west, Wyoming to the East, Montana to the north, and the Snake River and Bonneville County Line to the south. The major programs managed by the field office include grazing, recreation and realty.
The Upper Snake Field Office offers one of the most dynamic and complex recreation programs in the BLM. Whether fishing or floating the internationally renowned South Fork of the Snake River, taking an exhilarating buggy ride on the St. Anthony Sand Dunes, or a quiet stroll on the Cress Creek Nature trail, there is an impressive variety of recreational activities for enthusiasts of all ability levels. With over 250,000 visitors a summer, the South Fork of the Snake River is one of the most sought-after fishing excursions. Likewise, the St. Anthony Sand Dunes offers over 10,000 acres of continuous sand dunes for those interested in recreating on public land. The Dunes also see approximately 250,000 visitors a year.
The Upper Snake Field Office realty staff administers more than 700 Rights-of-Ways, with an average of 20-30 new applications for Rights-of-Ways each year. The Upper Snake Field Office's range staff manages 350 grazing allotments across the field office, ranging in size and complexity from less than 20 acres to over 224,000 acres of rangeland.
Bret Herres
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Idaho Falls, ID 83401
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