Educational Materials
Are you an educator looking for ways to expand your lesson plans? Educational materials created by Campbell Creek Science Center offer hands-on, fun, and engaging activities for inside and outside the classroom.
Wildland Fire in Alaska
Grades 4th-6th (9-12 year-olds)
How does wildland fire start and spread? What do wildland fighters do? Learn about the fundamentals of wildland fire through hands-on and engaging activities. Explore the wildland fire triangle, learn how fire ecologist study wildfire, and play an exciting game of Wildland Firefighter Olympics.
Watershed Wonders
Grades 4-6 (9-12 year olds)
A brand-new place-based watershed curriculum for 4th-6th grade Alaskan teachers and their students. This unit brings fun, engaging science lessons to life in the virtual, in-person, or blended classroom! Explore themes on watersheds, water quality, aquatic macroinvertebrates, salmon, and watershed management.
Watershed Wonders Modules and Lessons