Circulation and ILL Services

Most publications in the library may be checked out to BLM employees and contractors only. Print items generally are loaned for 4 weeks and may be renewed if not on hold for another user. We are able to deliver many items electronically, as well. Journals and the reference collection do not circulate; however, special arrangements can be made if necessary.

In addition to our print materials, we endeavor to provide virtual access to as much information as possible. Through our website, users may access digital versions of BLM publications such as technical notes and technical references, planning and NEPA documents, and directives. We also have subscription journals and databases, which are accessible only to BLM employees and contractors using the BLM network. In addition to BLM documents, the BLM Library contains publications to assist subject specialists and decision makers in managing public lands using trustworthy sources and the best available science.

Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan

Looking for a particular article, book, directive, or other publication? Please send your requests for publications, articles, papers, etc., to the BLM Library at Requests should include as complete a citation as possible. Also include your complete mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address. We will provide items located in the BLM collection and forward a request for other items to the Department of the Interior (DOI) Library. The DOI Library provides interlibrary loan services to BLM employees.

There is no limit on the number of requests made to the BLM Library, but the DOI Library permits five interlibrary loan requests per week, per person. Through the interlibrary loan system, we have access to library collections of all types throughout the world. Response time for loans varies from 2 days to 2 weeks, with harder-to-locate items taking longer. The DOI Library generally does not borrow items that incur charges. The length of an interlibrary loan is set by the lending library. Due dates can be extended if the lending library policy allows for renewals. To assist us in remaining in good standing with other libraries, loan extensions should be requested before the due date indicated.

Contact the BLM Library


Phone: 303-236-6650

Address: Denver Federal Center, Building 85, W-5, P.O. Box 25047; Denver, Colorado 80225-0047  

Employee Resources

The BLM Library provides worldwide access to the best available scientific, historical, and legal information regarding public lands and natural resources management to support researchers, BLM decision-makers, and others seeking knowledge.  Some of our employee resources include: