Policy Resources

Coal operation structures silhouetted against an orange and red sunset.The Bureau of Land Management publishes a variety of policy documents including manuals, handbooks, memoranda of understanding (MOU), and directives – in the form of instruction memorandum and information bulletins – to direct day-to-day business internally and externally with the public.

Certain publications are accessible only to BLM employees. Please note that, while the BLM Library provides access to publications, records administrators and managers are the authority on many documents, including directives. If you have any questions regarding access to materials please contact the BLM Library at blm_library@blm.gov.

Publicly available publications include:

Available policy publications for Employees include:

Library Services

The BLM Library, located at the National Operations Center in Denver, exists to serve BLM employees across the country. We also are able to assist members of the general public who seek BLM publications and information. We are the BLM's only full-service library with professional staff. 

Questions? Want to request an item? Contact the BLM Library or visit the Library FAQ.