The Rio Puerco Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (PRMP/FEIS) analyzes and updates BLM’s management of public lands in Bernalillo, Cibola, McKinley, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia Counties of central New Mexico.

The planning area consists of about 9.5 million acres of land within the six counties of central New Mexico.  This includes about 731,600 acres of public surface lands and 3.6 million acres of Federal subsurface minerals managed by the Rio Puerco Field Office.

On August 9, 2024, the BLM New Mexico Rio Puerco Field Office released the PPRMP/FEIS. The release of the Federal Register Notice initiates the 30-day review and protest period. This RMP will replace the 1986 Rio Puerco Resource Management Plan and subsequent amendments, and will guide the management of public lands administered by the Rio Puerco Field Office into the future. 
The RMP revision provides updated management decisions for a variety of uses and resources, including land-tenure adjustments, land-use authorizations, mineral resources, recreation, areas with special management designations, lands with wilderness characteristics, livestock grazing, transportation access, renewable energy, visual resources, wildland/urban interface, and others.