Mojave-Southern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council

***The information on this page will remain available for historic purposes as part of the 2020 consolidation of BLM Nevada's RACs.***

The Mojave-Southern Great Basin RAC covers a geographic area approximately coinciding with the Southern Nevada Basin and Range, and Sonoran Basin and Range major land resource area in Esmeralda, Nye, Lincoln and Clark Counties in Nevada.

This RAC meets 3-4 times per year. Membership includes a cross section of Nevadans around the state representing energy, federal grazing, and commercial recreation interests; environmental, archaeological interests, dispersed recreation, and wild horse and burro interests; and Native Americans, elected officials and the public at large. Council members are selected for their ability to provide informed, objective advice on a broad array of public lands issues and their commitment to collaboration in seeking solutions to those issues.

The RAC has one subcommittee, the Planning Subcommittee.

Meeting Minutes

RAC Members

Category 1: Commercial

Susan Agee, Federal Grazing
Vacant, Energy/Minerals
Vacant, Permitted Recreation
Vacant, Transportation/ROW
Vacant, Transportation/ROW

Category 2: Environmental, dispersed recreation, archaeological/historic interests, wild horse and burro interest group

Elise McAllister, Dispersed Recreation
Vacant, Archaeology
Vacant, Wild Horses and Burros
Vacant, Environmental/Wildlife
Vacant, Wildlife

Category 3: Elected officials, Native American, public-at-large, academic

Varlin Higbee, Elected Official
Annette George, Native American Tribes
Daniel Schinhofen, Public-at-Large
Vacant, Academic
Vacant, Elected Official