Forest and Wood Product Permits
Special forest products are plant materials like seeds, berries, greenery, mushrooms, and seedlings. Firewood used to heat people’s homes is also considered a special forest product; in fact the BLM sells between 30,000 to 40,000 cords of firewood every year. Special forest products found on public lands may be harvested for recreation, personal use, or as a source of income such as harvesting and selling fence posts and poles.
Visitors to the forest can harvest special forest products in reasonable amounts for personal use without a permit, such as collecting firewood for use at a campsite Harvesting more than small amounts requires a permit, and in some cases may require a contract.
Find information about local forestry and wood products below. Contact your nearest BLM office for more details.
Alaska Forest Products
Free Use Permits may be issued in special circumstances for materials that are for personal use and may not be bartered or sold. Timber is not available via Free Use. Subsistence Use Permits may be issued to rural residents for fuelwood, and some other special forest products where limited barter or sale is permitted. Learn more about "subsistence use" on our Subsistence Website. Recreational Use is allowed for the harvest of reasonable amounts of berries, nuts, greenery, wildflowers or firewood for consumption or campfires while on BLM managed public lands.
The following forest products are available by permit statewide:
- House Logs
- Saw Logs
- Firewood
- Biomass
- Berries
- Christmas trees
- Wood for walking sticks or furniture
- Boughs
- Birch bark
Contact your nearest BLM Alaska office for more information and applicable forms.
Arizona Forest Products
BLM Arizona administers over 1 million acres of forestlands throughout the state.
This includes
- the BLM forests located north of the Grand Canyon within the Arizona Strip District, where these forests are managed for biomass and fuelwood, as well the traditional uses of pinyon nut and medicinal plant collecting,
- more than 22,000 acres of riparian habitat containing mesquite, sycamore, walnut, ash, cottonwood, willows, and tamarisk, and
- 11 million acres of southwestern desert vegetation, which includes mesquite, gambel oak, ironwood, and bear grass.
Some desert areas contain salvage-restricted species, such as barrel cactus, Joshua trees and saguaro. These species cannot be taken off public land without a permit.
Please contact your nearest BLM Arizona Office for more information on forest products and permits.
California Forest Products
In California, forest products such as firewood, Christmas trees, greenery, mosses, transplants, poles, posts, seeds, and burls are available for commercial and non-commercial sale in designated areas. A permit is required. Contact the local BLM California office for more information.
Colorado Forest Products
Many forest products are available for sale on BLM Colorado-administered lands. While the most popular products are Christmas trees, boughs and firewood, several other products such as pinyon nuts, character wood and transplants are also available. Non-commercial sales of forest products are for personal use only, and the products cannot be resold. Commercial sales are available on a case-by-case basis. Both types of sale require a permit to start collection. The best way to find more information about forest product collection is to contact your local BLM Colorado office.
Idaho Forest Products
In Idaho, the BLM provides the public with commercial and personal use opportunities to harvest special forest products including:
- Firewood
- Christmas trees
- Posts and poles
- House logs
- Boughs
- Berries
- Shrubs
- Grasses
- Wildflowers
- Moss
- Mushrooms
- Cones
- Plant seed
Idaho's immense geographic diversity and the price and availability of special forest products varies across the state. Please contact your nearest BLM Idaho Office for more information on forest products and permits.
BLM Pocatello Field Office Offering Forest Product Permits Online
Montana-Dakotas Forest Product Permits
Special forest products (SFP) permits are issued by the forestry program for BLM managed lands throughout Montana and South Dakota. The SFP permits sold includes both personal use and commercial sales. The forest products harvested under a personal use permit cannot be resold but commercial permits can be resold and are available on a case by case basis.
The main special forest products sold through the BLMs forestry program are fuelwood, Christmas trees, boughs, biomass, craft or hobby wood, transplants, native seed, corral poles, fencing stays and posts. The Montana and Dakota’s has issued an average of 865 special forest product permits annually over the past 8 years.
Recreational use includes collection of a forest product in reasonable amounts, in non-restricted areas, and for “non-commercial purposes”, such as dead firewood collection for camping or collecting small amounts of pine cones for Christmas decorations.
Special forest products harvested from BLM lands help to meet local and rural community economic needs. Check with your local BLM Montana-Dakotas office for more information on special forest product permitting. Forest product prices and availability may vary by office.
Nevada Forest Products
- Christmas Trees: There is nothing better than having a fresh-cut Christmas tree. It is a great family activity and harvesting Christmas trees is also usually good for the forest as each time one is cut you are helping the forest from becoming overcrowded which also reduces forest fire severity. Christmas tree cutting permits or contracts on public lands in Nevada are also offered to both the general public and commercial harvesters. The most common species allowed for harvest are pinyon pine and Utah juniper.
- Christmas Tree Permits
- Firewood: Wood cutting permits/contracts on public lands in Nevada are offered to both the general public and commercial harvesters. The public may harvest deadwood (standing or down) from most unrestricted public lands, while greenwood harvest is mostly limited to designated areas.
- Firewood Permits
- Pinyon Pine Nuts: The collection of pinyon pine nuts hits the top of the list for many Nevadan’s traditions. Almost all public lands are open to the general public for pinyon pine nut collection.
- Posts: Both line and corner posts are offered for sale. Utah juniper makes an excellent post and depending on the soils it is set in, has a fairly long service life. Harvest areas vary from designated areas only to district-wide.
- Wildings (live transplants): Numerous native species (excluding threatened or endangered) are allowed to be collected throughout the state.
- Woody Biomass: The utilization of woody biomass is encouraged throughout the state. The minimum price for woody biomass varies with the type of biomass being taken. Other Seed: Other seed (Indian rice grass, needle and thread grass, four-wing, forage kochia, mountain mahogany, etc.) is sold throughout the state.
- Campfire wood: Those camping on public lands are allowed to collect campfire wood from the local surrounding area to be used at their camping location, with no cost or permit being required.
Contact your local BLM Nevada office for more information on permitting.
New Mexico
New Mexico Forest Products
Several BLM New Mexico office locations sell permits for removal of certain forest products including firewood, Christmas trees, transplants, posts, poles, seeds, nuts, and berries. Prices and availability of forest products vary by office location. Please inquire with the local BLM New Mexico office for further information. Per household annually, no permit or contract is required for a reasonable amount of personal, non-commercial uses of the renewable resources listed below.
- Berries - up to 5 gallons per species
- Ornamental cones - 2 bushels
- Seed cones - 1 bushel
- Seed - 1 pound dirt weight
- Boughs/greenery - 5 pounds
- Moss - 5 pounds
- Pine nuts - 25 pounds
Fuelwood Harvest Information
Oregon/Washington Forest Products
What are Special Forest Products?
Special Forest Products (SFP) is a term used to describe some of the vegetative material found on public lands that can be harvested for recreation, personal use, or as a source of income. They include grasses, seeds, roots, bark, berries, mosses, greenery (fern fronds, salal, huckleberry, etc.), edible mushrooms, tree seedlings, transplants, poles, posts, and firewood. Trees or logs that contain sawtimber are not considered SFP.
Why have a Special Forest Products Program?
The Special Forest Products (SFP) provides the public with the opportunity to harvest SFP for recreation, personal use, or as a source of income. It also establishes policy and direction for these resources, enabling the BLM to more effectively manage and regulate the harvest of SFP, thus protecting the resources and reducing possible environmental impacts.
Are there any restrictions for harvesting Special Forest Products?
Yes, certain areas and/or individual species within Oregon and Washington are restricted. Please contact the local BLM Oregon-Washington office for the area you will be visiting for a list of what is available in that area.
Utah Forest Products
Types of Permits:
Firewood, Christmas Trees, Posts and Poles, Transplants, Pine Nuts, and Others
Eligibility, Requirements, and Application:
- Must be 18+ years old
- Provide valid government-issued photo ID
- Apply at local BLM field office or https://forestproducts.blm.gov/
- Complete application form and pay required permit fee
Permit Validity and Harvest Guidelines:
- Validity and seasonal restrictions vary by permit type and location
- Follow specific harvesting guidelines and regulations for sustainability
- Access maps and harvest area descriptions at https://forestproducts.blm.gov/ or contact local BLM Utah field office
Safety and Environmental Considerations:
- Bring first aid kit, water, and appropriate clothing
- Exercise caution around wildlife, avoid damaging vegetation or soil
- Clean up after yourself, leave no litter or debris
- Visit https://www.blm.gov/office/utah-state-office for Utah BLM office contacts
Is a permit required for harvesting forest products on BLM lands in Utah?
Yes, a permit is required for personal or commercial use.
How much do forest product permits cost?
Permit fees vary; contact local BLM Utah field office or visit https://forestproducts.blm.gov/ for specific fee information.
Can I cut standing dead trees for firewood?
Generally prohibited, permits for firewood typically allow collection of dead and downed trees only.
Are there size restrictions for harvesting Christmas trees?
Trunk diameter must be 8 inches or less at ground level, stump height no more than 6 inches after cutting.
How do I know where to harvest forest products?
Designated harvest areas found on maps at https://forestproducts.blm.gov/ or by contacting local BLM Utah field office.
Are there seasonal restrictions on harvesting forest products?
Seasonal restrictions may apply; contact local BLM Utah field office or visit https://forestproducts.blm.gov/ for specific information.
Can I transfer my forest product permit to someone else?
No, permits are non-transferable.
How to report illegal or unauthorized harvesting activities?
Report to local BLM Utah field office or call BLM Law Enforcement at (800) 637-9152 with details of location, date, time, and individuals involved.
Wyoming Forest Products
The BLM Wyoming forestry program is responsible for the permitting and sale of all vegetative products on BLM lands. Although firewood and Christmas trees account for most of the permits, the BLM sells many other forest products to the public. This includes native seed, post and poles for corrals, transplants/wildings and many other products.
BLM Wyoming has a “Minimum Price List” for Special Forest Products (SFP). These are the minimum prices established for the BLM SFPs. However, each office has different economic conditions, so the prices charged by the field offices may vary.
There is also a road maintenance fee that may be added to the price of the permit. These charges are collected to maintain and improve local access to forest product areas. They are used for road grading, culvert installation and other activities intended to keep forest roads accessible for the public.
Each BLM field office in Wyoming sells permits for vegetative products. Some of the offices also sell permits for adjacent areas. Check with your local BLM Wyoming office for more information.
Several local BLM Field Offices currently offer special forest products online at https://forestproducts.blm.gov.