Wild Horse and Burro

It runs in the family: A father, his daughter, and a love for wild horses

With a father who is in charge of BLM mustangs as his job, Emma Lloyd has been exposed to more things equine than your typical kid.

Top 5 things to know about wild horse and burro gathers

When managed at sustainable levels and balanced with other species, wild horses and burros can contribute to thriving and healthy ecological systems on public lands. To achieve this balance, the BLM conducts periodic “gathers” to safely remove excess animals from overpopulated herds.

Top 5 things to know about wild horse and burro fertility control

The Bureau of Land Management is tasked with a very unique and challenging job that many may not even know about: keeping a rapidly growing population of wild animals, with virtually no natural predators, from running out of food and water in a very arid environment. How does the agency do that? Here are the top 5 things to know about wild horse and burro fertility control. 

BLM Statement on Sand Wash Basin HMA wild horse gather

An emergency gather began today of the Sand Wash Basin wild horse population. This population is profoundly impacted by the ongoing drought, which endangers the survival of horses in this area.

You're invited! Learn about wild horse country at the 2021 Wild Horse Walkabout!

The next Wild Horse Walkabout is coming up! Join a BLM California for a three-day, hands-on outdoor learning experience in the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area north of Susanville, California.