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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Utah, Green River DO

BLM updates travel management plan for the San Rafael Swell

The BLM has finalized a travel management plan for the San Rafael Swell Recreation Area, designating over 1,350 miles of routes for motorized travel while balancing recreation, conservation, and access needs.
Wyoming, Pinedale FO

BLM Pinedale and Kemmerer Field Offices announce big game winter range closures

BLM Kemmerer & Pinedale Field Offices will close public big game winter ranges to motorized vehicles Jan. 1–Apr. 30, 2025, to protect wildlife during harsh winter months. Non-motorized access allowed.
Arizona, Safford FO

BLM announces work to improve recreation amenities and access at popular recreation area

The Bureau of Land Management’s is planning work funded through the Great American Outdoors Act to repair and upgrade recreation facilities and roads in the Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area.
California, Northern California DO

BLM, USFS protect historic and cultural resources in the Klamath National Forest

In order to protect the historic and cultural integrity of the Schwartz and Leff Administrative Site along the North Fork of the Salmon River, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland has withdrawn approximately 40 acres of National Forest System lands within the Klamath National Forest from location and entry under U.S. mining laws for 20 years. The withdrawal, initiated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, prevents new mining claims, but allows leasing under the mineral or geothermal leasing laws and disposal under the Materials Act of 1947.

The BLM plans public safety measures for 2025 King of the Hammers race

The Bureau of Land Management will implement a temporary closure of public lands from Jan. 30– Feb. 8, 2025, in the Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area, San Bernardino County, during the annual 2025 King of the Hammers desert race event. The race is authorized by a BLM Special Recreation Permit and the temporary closure is necessary to facilitate public safety and provide an enhanced recreation experience for event participants and spectators.
Arizona, Safford FO

BLM seeks seasonal, emergency firefighters

The Gila District is currently recruiting applicants for seasonal, emergency wildland firefighters for the 2025 fire season.
New Mexico, Rio Puerco FO

BLM, Pueblo of Jemez sign co-stewardship agreement for ancestral lands

The Bureau of Land Management and Pueblo of Jemez renewed a co-stewardship agreement today to protect traditional, religious, and cultural interests of the Pueblo on federal lands.
Wyoming, Rawlins FO

BLM seeks public input on Lucky Star Wind Transmission Line Project

The BLM’s Rawlins Field Office initiated a 15-day public scoping period prior to preparing an environmental assessment for the Lucky Star Wind Transmission Line Project in Carbon and Albany counties.
Nevada, Southern Nevada DO

BLM seeks public input for proposed Las Vegas Valley land sale

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on a proposal to sell 11 parcels totaling 89 acres of public lands throughout the Las Vegas Valley through the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act.

BLM temporarily restricting off-highway vehicle use in the Wood River Valley beginning Jan. 1, 2025

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Shoshone Field Office is implementing off-highway-vehicle and conditional seasonal restrictions in the Wood River Valley to reduce impacts to wintering herds of deer and elk. No motor vehicles are allowed in the identified areas from Jan. 1–April 30, 2025.
Nevada, Winnemucca DO

BLM invests $1.79 million to reduce wildfire risks in Nevada communities

BLM Nevada announces partnering agencies awarded funds for fuels reduction projects in 2025 - 2026.