2021 Owyhee Complex Wild Horse Gather
Purpose of Gather:
The purpose of the gather is to prevent undue or unnecessary degradation of the public lands associated with excess wild horses, to restore a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple-use relationship on public lands, consistent with the provisions of Section 1333(b) of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
Details of Gather:
The Bureau of Land Management’s Humboldt River and Tuscarora Offices (HRTFO) will begin a wild horse gather on or about October 11 within the Owyhee Complex located in Humboldt and Elko Counties, Nevada. The gather will be conducted using helicopter assist method. The BLM plans to gather approximately 947 wild horses, remove approximately 615 excess wild horses, and treat and release mares with fertility control.
As of May 20, 2021, the current population was 1,188 wild horses, which does include foals born this year. The most recent gather was completed in 2018.
Public Observation:
Members of the public are welcome to view the gather operations when traps are located on public lands, provided that doing so does not jeopardize the safety of the animals, staff and observers, or disrupt gather operations. Visitors to the gather, including all media and members of the public, must RSVP by calling (775) 623-1567 – you must make your reservation by 5:30 p.m. the night before you intend to visit the gather activities. If you have RSVP’d, no later than 5:30 p.m. the night before, you will receive a call back on meeting time and location no later than 9 p.m. that evening.
NOTE: Public observation opportunities are subject to change due to terrain and weather conditions. The HRTFO staff will escort the public to gather observation sites located on public lands. On the Humboldt River Field Office side of the gather, when traps sites were located on private lands, public observation was limited to Tuesdays and Thursdays. Now that the gather has moved to the Tuscarora Field Office side, there is no public observation while traps are on private lands. Public observations will resume as traps are moved back to public lands.
Adoption Information:
Wild horses identified for removal will be transported to the Sutherland Off-Range Corrals near Sutherland, UT where they will be checked by a veterinarian and readied for the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program. For information on how to adopt or purchase a wild horse or burro, visit www.blm.gov/whb.
The Owyhee Complex encompasses approximately 1.055M total acres. The gather area will be in and around the Little Owyhee, Owyhee, Rock Creek and Snowstorm Mountains Herd Management Areas (HMAs).
By balancing herd size with what the land can support, the HRTFO aims to protect habitat for other wildlife species such as sage grouse, pronghorn antelope and mule deer. Removing excess animals will enable significant progress toward achieving the Standards for Rangeland Health The gather is expected to last 14-45 day.
The HRTFO is conducting the gather under Owyhee Complex Herd Management Area Gather Environmental Assessment signed in October of 2012. To view the Decision Record, go to https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/33902/510.
- Daily Gather Reports
Monday, Nov. 8
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures between 27 and 48 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 38 (24 Stallions, 14 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 51
Animals Released: 102 (50 Stallions, 51 Mares, and 1 Foals)
Deaths: 3
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 3
- 20+ year old Sorrel stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (fractured/broken fetlocks)
- 8 year old Bay stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (fractured/broken leg)
- 20+ year old Bay stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to preexisting condition (no teeth)
Sunday, Nov. 7
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures between 34 and 43 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 11 (6 Stallions, 3 Mares, and 2 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 1 (1 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Domestic stallion was shipped to owner
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
- 12 year old Sorrel stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (broken leg)
Saturday, Nov. 6
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures between 36 and 48 degrees with light rain.
Animals Gathered: 32 (18 Stallions, 11 Mares, and 3 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 46 (13 Stallions, 13 Mares, and 20 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Friday, Nov. 5
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures between 34 and 51 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 49 (22 Stallions, 19 Mares, and 8 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 4
- Sudden / Acute: 1
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 23
- 10 year old Sorrel stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (Two fractured legs)
- 20 year old Bay stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (physical defect/deformity: hernia)
- 12 year old Black stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (fractured/broken fetlocks)
- 9 year old Black mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (fractured leg)
Thursday, Nov. 4
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures between 38 and 56 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 100 (36 Stallions, 49 Mares, and 15 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 43 (0 Stallions, 26 Mares, and 17 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Wednesday, Nov. 3
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures between 34 and 62 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 37 (11 Stallions, 16 Mares, and 10 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Tuesday, Nov. 2
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures between 42 and 58 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 26 (8 Stallions, 9 Mares, and 6 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, Nov 1
Summary: No gather operations today due to the trap being moved from the Owyhee HMA to the Rock Creek HMA.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 32 (10 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 22 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Sunday, Oct 31
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures 48 to 62 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 29 (16 Stallions, 8 Mares, and 5 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 42 (0 Stallions, 42 Mares, and 0 Foals)
- PZP: 42 MaresAnimals Released: 93 (51 Stallions, 42 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 4
- Sudden / Acute: 1
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 3
- 11 year old Grey mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (unexpected heart failure)
- 20 year old Grey stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (fractured/broken leg) with no prognosis for recovery
- 5 year old Grey stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (growth on scapula)
- 6 month old Brown foal was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (severe hoof deformity: "Elf shoe")
Saturday, Oct 30
Summary: Gather activities resumed with temperatures 42 to 63 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 101 (48 Stallions, 36 Mares, and 17 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
- 18 year old Grey mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (previously broken right front leg)
Friday, Oct 29
Summary: No gather activities today.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Thursday, Oct 28
Summary: Operations continued with temperatures 35 to 66 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 40 (14 Stallions, 19 Mares, and 7 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 49 (0 Stallions, 49 Mares, and 0 Foals)
- PZP: 49 MaresAnimals Released: 98 (48 Stallions, 49 Mares, and 1 Foals)
Deaths: 2
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
- 20 year old Bay mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (two rear clubbed feet)
- 5 year old Bay mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (clubbed foot)
Wednesday, Oct 27
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures 41 to 60 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 21 (12 Stallions, 6 Mares, and 3 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 14 (14 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 4
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 4
- 20+ year old Sorrel mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (poor body condition: starvation/malnourished) with no prognosis for recovery
- 15+ year old Buckskin mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (poor body condition: starvation/malnourished and broken fetlocks) with no prognosis for recovery
- 9 year old Roan mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (poor body condition: starvation/malnourished) with no prognosis for recovery
- 3 month old Bay foal was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (hernia: developmental)
Tuesday, Oct 26
Summary: Gather operations resumed with temperatures 27 to 46 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 43 (15 Stallions, 23 Mares, and 5 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
- 7 year old Bay stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (broken leg) with no prognosis for recovery
Monday, Oct 25
Summary: No gather operations due to rain and low visibility.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Sunday, Oct 24
Summary: Gather paused due to rain and low visibility. Temperatures were 41 to 43 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 37 (12 Stallions, 18 Mares, and 7 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Saturday, Oct 23
Summary: Gather operations resumed with light winds and temperatures 48 to 57 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 39 (18 Stallions, 15 Mares, and 6 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 52 (0 Stallions, 26 Mares, and 26 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Friday, Oct 22
Summary: Gather operations paused due to high winds with temperatures 38 to 58 degrees and winds 10 to 25 mph -- gusts to 40 mph.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Thursday, Oct 21
Summary: Gather operations continued with temperatures 42 to 68 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 60 (24 Stallions, 23 Mares, and 13 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 37 (37 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Wednesday, Oct 20
Summary: Gather operations continued under light winds and temperatures 39 to 63 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 84 (37 Stallions, 31 Mares, and 16 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 42 (12 Stallions, 13 Mares, and 17 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 2
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
- 9 year old Paint mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (broken jaw) with no prognosis for recovery
- Yearling Grey foal was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (club foot) with no prognosis for recovery
Tuesday, Oct 19
Summary: Gather operations resumed under light winds and temperatures 38 to 50 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 76 (26 Stallions, 33 Mares, and 17 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, Oct 18
Summary: Gather operations paused due to weather -- intermittent rain and snow with temperatures 30 to 40 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 41 (25 Stallions, 16 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Sunday, Oct 17
Summary: Gather operations paused to move locations -- light winds and temperatures 31 to 72 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 43 (0 Stallions, 25 Mares, and 18 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control: 20 (0 Stallions, 20 Mares, and 0 Foals)
- PZP: 20 MaresAnimals Released: 55 (32 Stallions, 20 Mares, and 3 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Saturday, Oct 16
Summary: Operations continued with light winds and temperatures 34 to 68 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 39 (20 Stallions, 13 Mares, and 6 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
- Yearling Cremello mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (poor body condition: starvation/malnourished and blindness) with poor prognosis for recovery
Friday, Oct 15
Summary: Operations continued with light winds and temperatures 28 to 59 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 39 (23 Stallions, 11 Mares, and 5 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 38 (38 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 2
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
- 2 month old Palomino foal was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (poor body condition: starvation/malnourished) with poor prognosis for recovery
- 2 year old Black mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (hernia: developmental)
Thursday, Oct 14
Summary: Operations continued with light winds and temperatures 34 to 52 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 68 (30 Stallions, 26 Mares, and 12 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 41 (1 Stallions, 25 Mares, and 15 Foals)
- 1 domestic mare and and 1 domestic gelding shipped to brand inspector
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 2
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
- 20+ year old Black stud was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (no teeth/very old age)
- Yearling Sorrel mare was euthanized in accordance with IM 2021-007 due to chronic injury (fractured/broken ankle) with no prognosis for recovery
Wednesday, Oct 13
Summary: Operations resumed with light winds and temperatures 30 to 48 degrees.
Animals Gathered: 83 (30 Stallions, 38 Mares, and 15 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Tuesday, Oct 12
Summary: High winds shut down gather operations for the second day in a row.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, Oct 11
Summary: Heavy snow and high winds - suspended gather operations for the day.
Animals Gathered: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 0 MaresAnimals Released: 0 (0 Stallions, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
- Sudden / Acute: 0
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Gather Status
As of Nov 8
Animals Gathered: 934 Wild Horses (400 Stallions, 370 Mares, and 164 Foals)
Animals Shipped: 531 Wild Horses (187 Stallions, 195 Mares, and 149 Foals)
- 1 domestic mare and and 1 domestic gelding shipped to brand inspector (10/14)
- 1 domestic stud shipped to owner (11/7)
Animals Treated with Fertility Control:
- PZP: 162 Mares
Animals Released: 362 Wild Horses (195 Stallions, 162 Mares, and 5 Foals)
Deaths: 27
- Sudden / Acute: 1
- Pre-existing / Chronic: 26
Scroll to the bottom of this gather page for detailed “Daily Gather Reports”