BLM Handbooks
The Bureau of Land Management handbooks provide detailed instructions for implementing the policy and direction described in the BLM manual sections. Handbooks provide specific detailed instructions, techniques, procedures, practices, and processes. Handbooks do not contain broad objectives, policies or assignment of responsibilities. BLM handbooks are considered part of the manual, with the same authority.
You can read and download BLM handbook sections organized by program categories through the links below.
- General Management Handbooks, 1000 Series
- H-1116-1, Handbook for RAPS Coordinators
- H-1116-2, Handbook for RAPS Mentors
- H-1116-3, Handbook for RAPS Participants
- H-1221-1, Writing & Formatting Directives Handbook
- H-1265-1, Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)
- H-1270-1, Electronic Records Administration
- H-1270-2, Cost Recovery
- H-1290-3, Telephone Communications
- H-1297-1, Creating Section 508 Compliant Documents
- H-1601-1, Land Use Planning Handbook
- H-1624-1, Planning for Fluid Mineral Resources
- H-1703-1, CERCLA Response Actions Handbook
- H-1703-2, Military Munitions and Explosives of Concern
- H-1703-3, Natural Resources Damage Assessment and Restoration
- H-1703-4, Project Management
- H-1703-5, Environmental and Disposal Liabilities
- H-1703-6, Environmental Compliance Handbook
- H-1734-1, Interagency Ecological Site Handbook for Rangelands
- H-1740-2, Integrated Vegetation Management Handbook
- H-1742-1, Burned Area Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation Handbook
- H-1780-1, Improving and Sustaining BLM-Tribal Relations
- H-1790-1, National Environmental Policy Act
- H-1794-1 Mitigation Handbook
- Land Resource Management Handbooks, 2000 Series
- Minerals Management Handbooks, 3000 Series
- H-3070-2, Economic Evaluation of Oil and Gas Properties
- H-3073-1, Coal Evaluation
- H-3100-1, Oil and Gas Leasing Handbook
- H-3101-1, Issuance of Leases
- H-3103-1, Fees, Rental, and Royalty
- H-3109-1, Leasing Under Special Acts
- H-3110-1, Noncompetitive Leases
- H-3120-1, Competitive Leases
- H-3150-1, Onshore Oil and Gas Geophysical Exploration Surface Management Requirements
- H-3160-5 Inspection and Enforcement Handbook
- H-3160-9, Communitization
- H-3203-1, Leasing Terms
- H-3486-1, Coal Inspection and Enforcement
- H-3600-1, Mineral Materials Disposal Handbook
- H-3630-1, Mineral Materials Fair Market Value (FMV) Evaluations
- H-3720-1, AML Program Policy Handbook
- H-3809-1, Surface Management Handbook
- H-3809-2, Surface Management Bond Processing
- H-3830-1, Administration of Mining Claims, Mill Sites, and Tunnel Sites
- H-3860-1, Mineral Patent Applications Processing
- H-3870-1, Adverse Claims, Protests, Contests, and Appeals
- H-3890-3, Validity Mineral Reports
- Range Management Handbooks, 4000 Series
- Forest Management Handbooks, 5000 Series
Forest Management Handbooks, 2000 Series
Forest Management Handbooks, 5000 Series
- H-5400-1, Sale of Forest Products
- H-5400-2, Timber Sale Information System
- H-5410-1, Annual Forest Product Sale Plan
- H-5420-1, Preparation for Sale
- H-5430-1, Advertisement
- H-5440-1, Conduct of Sale
- H-5450-1, Award of Contract
- H-5460-1, Timber Sale Contract Administration
- H-5470-1, Contract Modification, Extension, Assignment
- H-5480-1, Contract Violation, Suspension, Cancellation, and Debarment
- H-5490-1, Contract Termination
- Recreation Programs Handbooks, 8000 Series
- H-8270-1, General Procedural Guidance for Paleontological Resource Management
- H-8320-1, Recreation and Visitor Services Planning
- H-8342, Travel and Transportation Handbook
- H-8357-1, Byways
- H-8362-1, Working With Cooperating Associations
- H-8410, Visual Resource Inventory
- H-8431, Visual Resource Contrast Rating
- Technical Services Handbooks, 9000 Series
- H-9102, Metric Handbook
- H-9113-1, Roads Design
- H-9113-2, Roads National Inventory & Condition Assessment Guidance & Instructions
- H-9115-1, Primitive Roads Design
- H-9115-2, Primitive Roads Inventory & Condition Assessment Guidance & Instructions
- H-9173-2, Minimum Security Requirements
- H-9211-1, Fire Planning
- H-9235-1, Mineral Material Trespass Prevention and Abatement
- H-9600-1, Cadastral Survey, Management of Land Boundaries
- H-9687-1, Certified Federal Surveyor (CFedS) Program Handbook