Two rock crawlers navigate over the rocks in Coyote Canyon, Moab.

Coyote Canyon General Information

The Coyote Canyon motorized route is an extreme trail specifically designated for rock crawler-type vehicles. It provides rock-crawler-enthusiasts an opportunity to challenge both their rigs and skills in a unique setting. The recommended route is clockwise, up a small canyon and down another. Although the route is only 0.65 miles long, it can easily take all day to navigate the refrigerator-sized boulders and other obstacles. Only heavily modified vehicles can use this route.

Coyote Canyon is located approximately 13 miles south of Moab off of the Black Ridge Road, which is 0.2 miles south of mile marker 113 on the east side of Highway 191. Trailer parking area is located right at the Highway 191 and Black Ridge Road junction. Access to Coyote Canyon is 1.5 miles from the parking area on the Black Ridge Road. 
Motorized use of Coyote Canyon is allowed on Fridays and Saturdays with only one registered group per day with a maximum of seven vehicles per group

How to Obtain a Permit

Required permits are available for Fridays and Saturdays only from Feb. 16 - Nov. 30. Reservations can be made two months in advance via Permit applicants will also need to provide name, address, phone number, email address, amount and type of vehicles. For any questions, please call the Moab Field Office at 435-259-2100. 

The Coyote Canyon gate will remain closed and locked to general public use. Permitted users will be issued the combination and are required to lock the gates behind them as they enter or exit the canyon. The combination will be changed on a regular basis.


1.  Motorized use of Coyote Canyon is allowed on Fridays and Saturdays, Feb. 16 - Nov. 30 with only one group per day with a maximum of seven vehicles per group.

2.  Users must stay on the route shown on the designated route map of Coyote Canyon. There will be no travel in Kane Creek Wash outside the designated route.

3. All motorized use of Coyote Canyon must be between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 

4. Mufflers are required.

5. Only full sized, “rock crawling” vehicles are allowed in Coyote Canyon. Motorcycles, ATVs or UTVs are not allowed.

6. Winching from trees is not allowed.

7. Carry and utilize spill kits to contain fluid leaks.

8. Motorized use of Coyote Canyon is not allowed from Dec. 1 through Feb. 15 to protect deer winter range and to limit use during the muddy season.

8. Organized groups and/or commercial permittees may utilize Coyote Canyon, and are required to acquire a permit via There will be no competitive use of Coyote Canyon.

9. Trailer parking is available at the junction of State Route 191 and the Black Ridge Road. No trailer parking is available at the trailhead.

Provision for Disabled Vehicles
A reasonable attempt must be made on the day of registered use to move disabled vehicles to the entrance of Coyote Canyon on the Black Ridge Road. Disabled vehicles may remain at the Coyote/Black Ridge Road intersection for up to 48 hours. If a vehicle cannot be moved to the Black Ridge Road, registrants must move the vehicle so that Coyote Canyon is not blocked. Do not leave disabled vehicles in front of the entry gate. If registrants cannot remove the vehicle on the day of their trip, they may return the following day to retrieve the vehicle. The trip leader must call the Moab Field Office on the first business day following the vehicle retrieval to inform the BLM of the additional entry into Coyote Canyon. All use of Coyote Canyon must cease by 5 p.m., including attempts to remove disabled vehicles.

Point of Contact

Moab Field Office
82 E. Dogwood
Moab, UT 84532
Fax: 435-259-2158
Phone: 435-259-2100

Monday - Friday
7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
