Idaho Planning and NEPA

In Idaho, the BLM has 21 land use plans in effect. The BLM develops comprehensive land use plans to guide management decisions and actions on public lands. These plans address the full range of activities that occur on public lands, including off-highway vehicle use, wildland fire management, wildlife management, timber harvesting, mineral development, and livestock grazing. These plans also direct management of public lands that require special protection, such as areas of critical environmental concern, and potential additions to the National Wild and Scenic River System. Most of the land use plans for Idaho were amended by the Greater Sage-Grouse Plan Amendment, which is currently under revision.

View our plans in effect or undergoing revision in the accordion below.  Find all BLM Idaho NEPA and planning documents in our ePlanning National NEPA Register.

Plans and NEPA in Development

Read about featured plans and NEPA documents currently being developed, revised or amended, and get involved in the planning process.

Plans in Effect

The Bureau of Land Management uses the following plans to guide management of public lands across Idaho:

Boise District:

Coeur d’Alene District:

Idaho Falls District:

Twin Falls District:


Featured Plans and NEPA

Owyhee Canyonlands Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers Final Management Plan and EA

Requests for Motorized/Mechanized Use Related to Livestock Grazing: