Forest Operations Inventory Vegetation Data Standard Version 3.0

Information Bulletin

Bureau of Land Management
Oregon State Office
P.O. Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208
United States

In Reply Refer To:

1283/1610/5000/9167(OR955/930) P

To:Deputy State Directors, District Managers, and Branch Chiefs
From:Branch Chief, Information Resources Management
Subject:Forest Operations Inventory Vegetation Data Standard Version 3.0
Administrative or Mission Related:


Information Bulletin:

This Information Bulletin announces the availability of the Forest Operations Inventory Vegetation (FOIVEG) Data Standard Version 3.

FOIVEG data is a forest-centric classification of vegetation with polygons that cover 100% of western Oregon BLM lands and some BLM managed areas in the rest of the United States. It describes forested lands in detail and non-forest lands with broad and general classifications. It includes and uses related table data to describe forest vegetation. Polygons are delineated primarily based on differences in vegetative cover, size, and age. FOIVEG_POLY attributes describe both the overall forest stand as well as the layers within that stand.

The FOIVEG dataset is part of the overall Micro*Storms (M*S) dataset, which includes polygon-based vegetation classification, recording vegetation treatments both completed and proposed, and recording treatment surveys both completed and proposed. M*S is daily use, mission critical tool which support a variety of day-to-day operations in forest management by the districts and supports corporate level reporting of forest conditions.

Any questions about this data standard can be directed to Sean Jeronimo, State Data Steward for FOIVEG at 503-315-5927; Dana Baker-Allum, FOIVEG Technical Lead at 503-808-6320; or Eric Hiebenthal, State Data Administrator at 503-808-6565.

Signed By:
Matthew Roth
Branch Chief, Information Resources Management
Authenticated By:
Melissa Brown
Government Information Specialist