Fixed Filing Fees

NOTE: The fixed filing fees displayed here will become effective on June 22, 2024. Prior to this date, refer to the regulations at 43 CFR 3000.12 for the current fixed filing fees.

Services that require a fixed filing fee are found in 43 CFR 3000.120. Fixed filing fees must be paid to the appropriate BLM office for the services listed below. These fees are nonrefundable and must be included with documents filed under the appropriate Code of Federal Regulations chapter. BLM adjusts fees annually according to the change in the Implicit Price Deflator for Gross Domestic Product since the previous adjustment. After each adjustment and before October 1 each year, BLM will post those changes on this website. Revised fees will take effect each year on October 1. Please visit BLM’s form webpage if you need a Bureau-approved form for the service you are requesting.

Fixed Filing Fee Rates for Fiscal Year 2024:

Oil & Gas (parts 3100, 3110, 3120, 3130, 3150, 3160, and 3180):
Document/Action: Current Fee:
Competitive lease application $3,100.
Leasing under right-of-way $660.
Lease consolidation $560.
Assignment and transfer of record title or operating rights $115.
Overriding royalty transfer, payment out of production $15.
Name change, corporate merger, sheriff's deed, corporate dissolution or transfer to heir/devisee $265.
Lease reinstatement, Class I $1,260.
Geophysical exploration permit - all states $1,150.
Exploration permit renewal - Alaska $30.
Final application for federal unit agreement approval, federal unit agreement expansion or federal subsurface gas storage application $1,200.
Designation of successor operator for federal agreements, except for contracted unit agreements that contain no federal lands $120.


Geothermal (part 3200):
Document/Action: Current Fee:
Noncompetitive lease application $505.
Competitive lease application $195.
Assignment and transfer of record title or operating rights $115.
Name change, corporate merger or transfer to heir/devisee $265.
Lease consolidation $560.
Lease reinstatement $100.
Nomination of lands $140.
-Plus per-acre nomination fee $0.14.
Site license application $75.
Assignment or transfer of site license $75.
Coal (parts 3400 and 3470):
Document/Action: Current Fee:
License to mine application $15.
Exploration license application $415.
Lease or lease interest transfer $85.
Leasing of Solid Minerals other than Coal and Oil & Gas:
Document/Action: Current Fee:
Applications other than those listed below $45.
Prospecting permit application amendment $85.
Extension of prospecting permit $135.
Lease modification or fringe acreage lease $40.
Lease renewal $650.
Assignment, sublease or transfer of operating rights $40.
Transfer of overriding royalty $40.
Use permit $40.
Shasta and Trinity hardrock mineral lease $40.
Renewal of existing sand and gravel lease in Nevada $40.
Public Law 359, Mining in Powersite Withdrawals (part 3730):
Document/Action: Current Fee:
Notice of protest of placer mining operations $15.
Mining Law Administration (parts 3800, 3810, 3830, 3860, 3870):
Document/Action: Current Fee:
Application to open lands to location $15.
Notice of location* $25.
Amendment of location $15.
Transfer of mining claim transfer/site $15.
Recording an annual FLPMA file $15.
Deferment of assessment work $135.
Recording a notice of intent to locate mining claims on Stockraising Homestead Act lands $40.
Mineral patent adjudication (more than 10 claims) $3,815.
Mineral patent adjudication (10 or fewer claims) $1,905.
Adverse claim $135.
Protest $85.

* To record a mining claim or site location, this processing fee along with the initial maintenance fee and the one-time location fee required by statute 43 CFR part 3833 must be paid.

Oil Shale Management (parts 3900, 3910, 3930):
Document/Action: Current Fee:
Exploration License Application $400.
Application for assignment or sublease of record title or overriding royalty $80.
Onshore Oil & Gas Operations and Production (parts 3160, 3170):
Document/Action: Current Fee:
Application for permit to drill $12,155.


To access historical fixed filing fees, please reference the following Federal Register notices: