Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail Brochure

Cover of Pinnell Mountain Trail brochure

The Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail (PMNRT) winds through sweeping mountain vistas, brilliant wildflower displays, and the unceasing light of the midnight sun. The trail is 27 miles (44 km) long and traverses a series of alpine ridge tops that are entirely above timberline. Hikers using the PMNRT should expect a physical challenge. Most of the trail has at least an 8 percent grade and in many sections the grade exceeds 25 percent. Many parts of the trail require good navigational skills, especially when visibility is poor.

Whether you’re planning a day hike or multi-day trip, this brochure can help you have a safe and fun adventure. It also serves as a limited field guide for geology, wildlife, and vegetation.

Publication Date




Collection: Public Room
Category: Brochure


National Recreation Trail
Steese National Conservation Area