Youth and Educators

The Pandemic of 1918

The Pandemic of 1918 would go on to take more lives than WWI, or any other disease in human history, with some estimates now placing the toll anywhere between 50 and 100 million people.

Scouts talk Bones, Bottles and BLM with Bob

Bob King, BLM Alaska state archaeologist and paleontology lead, is a soft-spoken, even-keeled man whose words are often so thoughtful and deliberate that they can sometimes seem as if he’s teaching

Summer day camp shapes future public land ambassadors

This July 2018, thirteen 4th grade girls from Sunrise Elementary School in Las Cruces, New Mexico participated in an Every Kid in the Park summer day camp.

30 years of environmental education at Table Rocks

What do the dwarf woolly meadowfoam and the vernal pool fairy shrimp have in common? They are both found on top of the Table Rocks in southwest Oregon. If you hike these flat-topped mesas in early spring, you have a good chance of seeing them. This is a highlight for many of the 3,500 school children that annually hike these rocks as part of the Table Rocks Environmental Education Program.