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Links to the BLM's regional offices overlayed to a map of the continental US and Alaska. Original svg provided by OR WA MT ND SD Eastern States NM TX OK KS AK AZ CA CO ID NV UT WY NE
Oregon-Washington, Roseburg DO

BLM announces road 25-7-29 closure

The Bureau of Land Management, Swiftwater Field Office, Roseburg District is providing notification that BLM road 25-7-29 is closed to through traffic.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

East Applegate Ridge Trailhead closed Jan. 13–31

The Bureau of Land Management will close the East Applegate Ridge Trailhead access from Sterling Creek Road Jan. 13 through Jan. 31 for public safety.
Oregon-Washington, Roseburg DO

Land of Umpqua Amateur Photo Contest

Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to share some of your amazing photos taken on public lands! Photos must be taken on or of public lands within the Roseburg District or Umpqua National Forest during the last 2 years.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

Call for Applications: Artist in Residence Program at Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

The Bureau of Land Management invites artists to apply for the annual Artist-in-Residence program. The selected artist receives a one- to two-week residency at the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in the month of June.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

Due to Hazardous Conditions, Gate on Bear Camp Road Closed December 9

The BLM Medford District is closing the gate on Bear Camp Road on Monday, December 9. The gate, which is closed annually for public safety due to winter weather, will remain closed until snow conditions allow for safe passage in the spring.
Oregon-Washington, Prineville DO

BLM issues temporary closure of public lands during Murderer’s Creek wild horse gather

Certain areas on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management’s Prineville District are temporarily closed to public access, use and occupancy, effective Monday, December 2.
Oregon-Washington, Lakeview DO

Klamath Falls Field Office to Conduct Aerial Native Seed Treatments

The Bureau of Land Management will conduct aerial native seeding treatments across approximately 1,525 acres within the Klamath Falls Field Office.
Oregon-Washington, Prineville DO

Forest Service and BLM to Begin Emergency Wild Horse Gather in Murderers Creek Area

The USDA Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management will initiate an emergency wild horse gather in the Murderers Creek Joint Management Area starting Monday, November 25, 2024.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

Bureau of Land Management releases draft plan to address dying trees

More Douglas fir have died in southern Oregon in the last four years than the last four decades. BLM officials are asking for feedback on the best strategy for addressing this devastating tree mortality.
Oregon-Washington, Lakeview DO

Klamath Falls Field Office Announces Online-Only Sale of Christmas Tree Permits for 2024

‘Tis the season! Looking for an outdoor experience to celebrate the holidays? How about cutting down your own Christmas tree? Christmas tree permits for the Klamath Falls Field Office can be purchased ONLINE.
Oregon-Washington, Medford DO

A Holiday Tradition: Finding Your Christmas Tree in the Woods

For many families, venturing out onto public lands to cut a Christmas tree is an annual holiday tradition! Families are able to cut Christmas trees on Forest Service or BLM lands using a permit from either agency.