The Bureau of Land Management’s Winnemucca District, Humboldt River Field Office began the wild horse and burro gather on August 3, 2020.
2020 Shawave Mountains Wild Horse and Burro Gather

Purpose of Gather:
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Winnemucca District, Humboldt River Field Office will begin a wild horse gather on or about August 3, 2020, on the Shawave Mountains Herd Management Area, which is located in western Pershing County approximately 50 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada. In addition, gather operations will take place in areas outside the HMA where wild horses have moved in search of food and water. The action is needed due to lack of water and declining health of the wild horses - the Shawave Mountains HMA has a history of water issues during dry spring and summer months.
All horses identified for removal will be transported to the Indian Lakes Off-Range Corral, located in Fallon, Nev., where they will be checked by a veterinarian and readied for the BLM’s wild horse and burro Adoption and Sale Program.
Details of Gather:
The Bureau of Land Management Winnemucca District, Humboldt River Field Office, plans to capture approximately 1,600 wild horses and 200 burros. The plan is to remove approximately 1,600 wild horses and 200 wild burros within and outside of the boundaries of the Shawave Mountains HMA - the HMA is not managed for burros. Approximately 50 mares will be treated with Gona-Con fertility control and released back to the HMA.
The BLM expects the helicopter gather to take approximately 45-60 days.

in the Shawave Mountains HMA
As of March 1, 2020, the population of wild horses on the HMA was 1,722 wild horses. Based on the ground observations, approximately 200 wild burros are in the HMA. These population estimates do not include the 2020 foal crop.
The purpose of the gather is critical to prevent further deteriorating body condition of the wild horses in the area due to extremely limited water sources, undue or unnecessary degradation of the public lands associated with excess wild horses, and to restore a thriving natural ecological balance and multiple-use relationship on public lands, consistent with the provisions of Section 1333(b) of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
The Shawave Mountains HMA is managed within the Winnemucca District Office, by the Humboldt River Field Office. The HMA is located in western Pershing County, approximately 50 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada. The area consists of 139,552 acres of BLM land and 37,652 acres of a mix of private and other public lands for a total of 177,204 acres.
The terrain in the area consists of north-south trending mountains separated by broad valleys. Elevations within the HMA range from 4,000 feet along the valley floor to 7,771 feet at Juniper Mountain. Climate is characterized by warm dry days, cool nights and low yearly precipitation that ranges from 4 to 6 inches at lower elevations to approximately 10 inches at higher elevations.
Vegetation varies from salt desert shrub communities at lower elevations to big sagebrush/grass communities at upper elevations. Typical species in the salt desert shrub community includes shadscale, budsage, winterfat, black greasewood, indian rice grass, squirrel tail and desert needlegrass. Species typical of the sagebrush/grass communities include low sage, Wyoming sagebrush, desert peach, rabbit brush, needlegrasses, basin wild rye, squirrel tail, indian paintbrush and phlox.
The area is also utilized by domestic livestock and numerous wildlife species. Typical wildlife species found in the area include mule deer, pronghorn antelope, California bighorn sheep, chukar partridge, coyote, and various rodents.
Public Observation:
In order to keep the public informed and allow reasonable access to gather operations, the Winnemucca District, Humboldt Field Office plans to schedule daily public visitation opportunities to view the gather operations.
All media and/or visitors wanting to go to the gather site need to call the “Shawave Wild Horse Gather information hotline” at 775-861-6700 for daily meeting times and locations.
A Public Affairs Officer and a Law Enforcement Officer will meet the public each morning at the pre-determined meeting location, to escort the group to and from the gather observation sites.
It may be necessary to limit the number of observers in an effort to allow for “Social Distancing”. The health and safety of our visitors, employees, volunteers, and partners continues to be paramount. We continue to work closely with the Department of the Interior and follow CDC guidance to ensure public and employee spaces are safe and clean for visitors, employees, partners and volunteers.
The CDC has offered guidance to help people recreating on public lands prevent the spread of infectious diseases. We will continue to monitor all functions to ensure that visitors adhere to CDC guidance for mitigating risks associated with the transmission of COVID-19 and take any additional steps necessary to protect public health.
When visiting public lands, the public should follow local area health orders including Governor Sisolak’s standards for individuals, businesses and employers, practice Leave No Trace principles, practice social distancing and avoid high-risk outdoor activities.
Adoption Information:
Excess wild horses removed from the range will be transported to the BLM’s Indian Lakes Off-Range Corrals located in Fallon, Nev., where they will be checked by a veterinarian and readied for the BLM’s wild horse and burro adoption program. Animals not adopted will be cared for in off-range pastures, where they retain their "wild" status and protection under 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
For more information on the Wild Horse and Burro Program, call 1-866-468-7826 or email
Gather Reports
Monday, August 24 *
Summary: Weather today began with a light rain, which helped clear the dust and smoky haze. During gather operations, temperatures ranged from a low of 74° to a high of 89°. Light, intermittent SW breeze. Water truck on-site watered both the trap and roadways prior to gathering and as needed.
Horses Gathered: 75 (27 Studs, 38 Mares, and 10 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 73 (26 Studs, 37 Mares, and 10 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 2
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 2
- 12-year old, bay Stud, missing eye, BCS 3.5, was euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 due to a hopeless prognosis of recovery.
- 20-year old, gray Mare, missing eye, BCS 3.5, was euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 due to hopeless prognosis of recovery.
* Conclusion of gather operations.
Sunday, August 23
Summary: Weather today was hazy with a low of 57° and a high of 94°. Light, intermittent SW breeze. Water truck on-site watered both the trap and roadways, as needed to control dust.
Horses Gathered: 153 (53 Studs, 74 Mares, and 26 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 153 (53 Studs, 74 Mares, and 26 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Saturday, August 22
Summary: Weather today was hazy with a low of 58° and a high of 88°. Light, intermittent breeze. Water truck on-site watered both the trap and roadways, as needed to control dust.
Horses Gathered: 110 (34 Studs, 59 Mares, and 17 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 109 (34 Studs, 58 Mares, and 17 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
-Sudden / Acute: 1
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
- 9-year old, Mare, BCS 3.0, died at trap due to broken neck.
Friday, August 21
Summary: Gather operations resumed today at a trap site in the northern portion of the HMA, which will act as trap, holding and shipping location. Today's weather was hazy with a low of 47° and a high of 91°. Winds around 3-8 mph. Dusty conditions on dirt roads.
Horses Gathered: 164 (54 Studs, 80 Mares, and 30 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 164 (54 Studs, 80 Mares, and 30 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Thursday, August 20
Gather operation were suspended today due to smoke from nearby wildland fires making conditions unsafe for flying. In addition, no animals were shipped.
Wednesday, August 19
Summary: A new trap site was set up, but no animals were gathered. Today's weather was hazy with a low of 57° and a high of 98°. Winds around 15 mph, gusting to 25 mph.
Horses Gathered: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 30 (9 Studs, 19 Mares, and 2 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Tuesday, August 18
Summary: During gather operations, the weather was partly cloudy with a low of 78° and a high of 92°. Winds ranging from 5-10 mph.
Horses Gathered: 30 (9 Studs, 19 Mares, and 2 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 38 (14 Studs, 19 Mares, and 5 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, August 17
Summary: During gather operations, the weather was sunny and clear with a low of 84° and a high of 92°. Winds ranging from 3-12 mph.
Horses Gathered: 38 (14 Studs, 19 Mares, and 5 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Sunday, August 16
New trap site was set up - No animals were gathered or shipped
Saturday, August 15
Summary: Sunny and Clear with a low of 67° and a high of 85°. Breezes 0-10 mph.
Horses Gathered: 95 (37 Studs, 42 Mares, and 16 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 95 (37 Studs, 42 Mares, and 16 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Friday, August 14
Summary: Sunny and clear, low of 64° and a high of 73°. No breeze/winds while flying.
Horses Gathered: 75 (28 Studs, 32 Mares, and 15 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 75 (28 Studs, 32 Mares, and 15 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
* Number of mares adjusted.
Thursday, August 13
Summary: Sunny and clear, low of 56° and a high of 97°. Light, intermittent breezes ranging from 3-5 mph.
Horses Gathered: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 141 (43 Jacks, 70 Jennies, and 28 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 56 (38 Jacks, 18 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
- 15-year old, Pinto Jack Burro with a BCS 3.0; previously facture to front right leg, was euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 due to a hopeless prognosis of recovery.
Wednesday, August 12
Summary: Sunny and clear, low of 62° and a high of 89°. Light, intermittent breezes ranging from 5-10 mph.
Horses Gathered: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 79 (47 Jacks, 29 Jennies, and 3 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 65 (29 Studs, 32 Mares, and 4 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
- 17-year old, Sorrel Mare, Blind with a BCS of 2.5, was euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 due to a hopeless prognosis of recovery.
Tuesday, August 11
Summary: Clear, low of 72° and a high of 92°. Light, intermittent breeze up to 7 mph
Horses Gathered: 61 (31 Studs, 25 Mares, and 5 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 172 (61 Studs, 75 Mares, and 36 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Monday, August 10
Summary: Clear, low of 63° and a high of 94°. Light NW breeze up to 7 mph
Horses Gathered: 177 (70 Studs, 69 Mares, and 38 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Sunday, August 9
Summary: No gather operations today.
Horses Gathered: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies, and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Saturday, August 8
Summary: No animals were gathered today. Clear, low of 55 degrees and a high of 92 degrees. Light SW breeze up to 4mph.
Horses Gathered: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 102 (40 Studs, 45 Mares, and 17 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Friday, August 7
Summary: Clear, low of 59 degrees and a high of 82 degrees. Light to moderate NW breezes from 5-10mph.
Horses Gathered: 90 (28 Studs, 42 Mares, and 20 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 132 (49 Studs, 56 Mares, and 27 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Thursday, August 6
Summary: Clear, low of 60 degrees and a high of 82 degrees. Light NW winds 5-10mph.
Horses Gathered: 126 (44 Studs, 55 Mares, and 27 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 128 (43 Studs, 56 Mares, and 29 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 0
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
Wednesday, August 5
Summary: Clear, low of 61 degrees and a high of 89 degrees. Light NW winds 5-10mph.
Horses Gathered: 137 (45 Studs, 66 Mares, and 26 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 90 (19 Studs, 34 Mares, and 37 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
-Sudden / Acute: 0
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 1
- 15-year old, Bay Stud, died from hemorrhage secondary to lymphatic cancer.
NOTE: 44 mares were treated with GonaCon population suppression vaccine; mares will be held for up to 30-days in order to apply the booster before they are released
Tuesday, August 4
Summary: Clear, low of 61 degrees and a high of 88 degrees. Light NW winds 5-10mph.
Horses Gathered: 141 (48 Studs, 59 Mares, and 34 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 170 (91 Studs, 49 Mares, and 30 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 5
-Sudden / Acute: 2
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 3
- 20+ year old, Bay Stud, severe tooth loss, BCS 2, was euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 with a hopeless prognosis for recovery.
- 20+ year old, Bay Stud, missing eye, BCS 2, was euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 with a hopeless prognosis for recovery.
- 7-year old, Bay Mare, BCS 2, with a previous pelvis fracture; was euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 with a hopeless prognosis for recovery.
- Bay yearling stud, broke neck in the holding facility.
- 5-year old, Bay Mare, died during transport.
Monday, August 3
Summary: Tonight Clear, low of 54 degrees and a high of 88 degrees. Western winds up to 9 mph from the west. Tuesday, Sunny, with a high near 95. Northeast wind 5 to 10 mph becoming west in the afternoon.
Horses Gathered: 181 (72 Studs, 78 Mares, and 31 Foals)
Burros Gathered: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Horses Shipped: 0 (0 Studs, 0 Mares, and 0 Foals)
Burros Shipped: 0 (0 Jacks, 0 Jennies and 0 Foals)
Deaths: 1
-Sudden / Acute: 1
-Pre-existing / Chronic: 0
- Bay stud foal kicked by another horse; colt was euthanized in accordance with IM 2015-070 due to acute injury that occurred in temporary holding, broken shoulder.