Responsibilities of Right-of-Way Grant Holders

Once you have a signed ROW grant, you can proceed with your plans, unless your grant has a Notice to Proceed (NTP) stipulation. In this circumstance, the BLM will notify you in writing when you can begin activities on the area authorized in the grant.

A ROW holder may use the ROW only for those purposes authorized in the grant. You must follow the terms and conditions in the ROW grant. You are responsible for notifying the local BLM office of any changes in your address or legal rights to hold the grant.

The ROW grant holder is responsible for damage or injuries to the United States Government in connection with the use of the ROW. The grant holder indemnifies or insures the United States Government harmless for third-party liability, damages or claims arising from the holder's use and occupancy of the ROW.

The BLM may suspend or terminate a ROW if the holder does not comply with the applicable laws, regulations, terms or conditions. The BLM may also add additional terms and conditions to the grant, including bonding, and require an immediate temporary suspension of activities within a ROW, to protect  public health and safety or the environment.