2023 Intern Webinar
On August 30, 2023, BLM invited its interns to join in a virtual meeting where they heard from Director Tracy Stone-Manning, Deputy Directors Nada Culver and Mike Nedd, and a host of employees who have been interns or have involvement in this program.
The focus of this meeting was to introduce interns to the agency and talk about what opportunities lie ahead for them as they consider long-term employment with the agency.
Webinar Recording
Click here for full recording!
PROGRAM (and Start Time):
- Brief Intro: David Repass, Management and Program Analyst, Facilitator (00:08)
- Welcome: David Howell, Acting Division Chief for Training and Employee Development, National Training Center (NTC) Director (00:28)
BLM History, Mission, Values and Guiding Principles
- Tracy Stone Manning, BLM Director (14:16)
- Nada Wolff-Culver, Principal Deputy Director, Policy and Programs (19:15)
- Michael Nedd, Deputy Director, Operations (22:50)
- Executive Leader Q&A (27:22)
FORMER INTERNS: BLM Employee Profiles
- Samirra Felix, Geologist (48:47)
- Carly Summers, Resource Advisor (1:03:08)
- Leigh Karp, Youth, Volunteer & Partnerships - State Program Lead (1:12:45)
- Holle' Waddell, Division Chief for Wild Horse and Burro Program, Acting Assistant Director for Resources and Planning (1:27:32)
- Ismael Ramirez, Natural Resource Specialist (1:39:24)
- Tatiana Ventus, Equity Program Specialist (1:53:30)
Human Capital Topics
- Milo Davis, HR Specialist, Importance of Federal Service (2:10:44)
- Tamikia Adams, Supervisory HR Specialist, BLM Resources & Recruitment (2:23:33)
- Genivieve Rasmussen, Associate Deputy State Director for Resources, Making a Positive First Impression: Tips and Tricks (2:37:31)
Career Development Options and Opportunities
- Lisa Visokey, Leadership Training Administrator (3:03:40)
Wrap up, Q&A and Adjourn (3:24:05)
Important Links
- Intern Resources, Tips and Tricks (Genivieve Rasmussen presentation)
Click here for Genivieve's Slide Presentation
(This presentation is internal to BLM's SharePoint site. VPN or Network access required.)
- Leadership Links (Lisa Visokey presentation. Some of these require BLM secure access):
Individual Development Plan template https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-wo-700/ntc/Documents/Individual%20Development%20Plan%20Form.pdf
Office of Personnel Management USA Jobs YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@usajobs
- Resume Writing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YX7o1PBoFk
- How to Apply for Federal Jobs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gih8-cwTCQU
- 5 Tips for Communicating Your Qualifications https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqYkibnuiJU
- Go Government: Writing Your Federal Resume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uUqqowvWxg
- Go Government: The Interview Process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZUo5jUBV8w
NTC Lands, Minerals, Engineering and Safety https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-tc/lmp
NTC Renewable Resources and Planning https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-tc/rpp
DOI Coaching Portal https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/doi-coaching-portal
DOI What is Coaching? https://youtu.be/25NDSdqpREI
DOI Find Your Path https://careers.doi.gov/find-your-path
DOI Explore Careers https://careers.doi.gov/explore-careers
NTC Training Schedule https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-tc/course-training
BLM Leadership Competency Model https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-tc/lasp/SitePages/comp.aspx
Leadership Lessons https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-tc/lasp/leadership/LeaderLessons
Leadership Book List https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-tc/SitePages/Leadership-Book-List.aspx
- Leadership Academy: BLM_TC_Leadership_Academy@blm.gov
- Emerging Leader: BLM_TC_Emerging_Leader@blm.gov
- Leadership, Business, and Human Capital Services Branch https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/blm-tc/lasp/SitePages/Home.aspx#meet-the-team
- Lisa Visokey, Leadership Training Administrator, lvisokey@blm.gov