Alaska frontiers magazine Summer 2015 - Issue 123

Cover of Frontiers issue 123 "Abundance of Summer" featuring a hiker holding up a salmon berry

Abundance of Summer 

  • Rules to Play By: The Doggy Doo Dilemma 
  • Summer of Smoke and Flames: Alaska is shaping up to have a record breaking fire season
  • Wildberries of Alaska: Learn about the wildberries of Alaska and where to pick them
  • Listening in Lower Kalskag: Community voices concerns about Red Devil Mine 
  • Alaska's Heritage- Roadhouses: Learn about the history of this early travel accommodation 
  • Eyes on the Arctic: Facts about BLM's involvement in the U.S. Arctic
  • News Flashes: BLM welcomes two new District Office managers as well as news from around the state

Publication Date




Collection: Alaska Frontiers Magazine
Category: Magazine


Alaska Frontiers