Alaska Frontiers magazine Fall 2015 - Issue 124

Cover of Frontiers issue 124 "Fall in Love with Your Trails" featuring a dog sled team on a trail in the White Mountains National Recreation area with the light hitting the frosty trees making them look pink

Fall in Love with Your Trails

  • Rules to Play By: Public lands can provide warmth and holiday cheer
  • Alaska Reality TV: Behind the Scenes with the BLM 
  • Putting out Fires; Paying Back Favors: Fire season wrap-up 
  • Mushing the 'Whites': Learn about mushing the White Mountains National Recreation Area with two local mushers 
  • Partnering for Public Access: Learn our 17(b) easement projects 
  • Our Teachers on the Public Lands: BLM Alaska sponsored two “Teachers on the Public Lands” for the Copper River Watershed and the BLM Campbell Tract/Campbell Creek Science Center.
  • News Flashes: Youth Outdoor projects as well as news from around the state

Publication Date




Collection: Alaska Frontiers Magazine
Category: Magazine


Alaska Frontiers