Our Stories

Each day, the Bureau of Land Management employees, volunteers and partners conserve public lands, build our nation’s energy infrastructure and support local economies, advance scientific discovery and much more.  Read our blog stories about the BLM in your community and learn how to get involved.

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Eastern States

Cy Young

This week, the General Land Office is showcasing a record that relates back to none other than Denton True "Cy" Young. Join us as we take a look at the legacy Cy Young left behind.

Podcast: BLM Alaska Public Room Shedding Light on the Process

BLM Alaska public rooms help folks with all sorts of public-lands related stuff. Right now, they're helping a lot of Alaska Native veterans with land allotments
James Hart
Idaho Falls DO

BLM Idaho works to conserve Whitebark Pine trees

This story has been updated to reflect USFWS final action on proposed listing under the Endangered Species Act (December 14, 2022).
Albuquerque DO

Fort Craig, New Mexico and the Battle of Valverde

Story by Michael Merritt, Archaeologist. Photos by Brenda Wilkinson, Archaeologist, and Matthew Brady.
Eastern States

Susanna M. Salter

As Women's History Month draws to a close, this week we will visit Argonia, Kansas, to learn about the first female mayor in U.S. History, Susanna M. Salter.

Miles City Field Office Hosts Hutton Scholar

By Alden Shallcross, State Lead - Montana/Dakotas Aquatic Habitat Management Program
National Office, West Desert DO

Petroglyphs Hidden in Plain Sight: Insights into the Prehistoric Rock Imagery of Utah’s West Desert

On a chilly yet sunny day in late January, BLM Salt Lake Field Office staff and archaeologists from the Utah State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) ventured across desolate mudflats and windblown tumbleweeds in Utah’s West Desert.
Rachel Wootton
Alaska, Anchorage DO

Campbell Creek Science Center: growing into the future

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many organizations and businesses pivoted, heading off in a different direction to find new ways of operating.  For the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center, it was less of a pivot and more of a leap into the future.
Maureen Clark
Eastern States

Georgia O'Keeffe

In celebration of Women's History Month, the General Land Office team takes a journey from Wisconsin to New Mexico along the path of one of the most iconic painters of the 20th century, known as th
National Office