BLM California Success Story
BLM Eradicates Invasive Weeds to Sustain Lands

Meet Jennifer Wheeler from the BLM’s Arcata Field Office on California’s North Coast. “As a botanist and range conservationist, an enjoyable part of my job is teaching people about the spread of invasive weeds and working with them to eradicate these plants. Invasive weeds spread quickly and displace native plants. It’s rewarding to lead and work with partners such as the Humboldt Weed Management Area, the California Conservation Corps, the Mattole Restoration Council, the Friends of the Dunes, and BLM grazing lease holders in this work. And I am happy to say that the BLM has got a handle on maintaining and restoring native landscapes on the North Coast. It’s important for me to know that there are natural places where I can show my kids native productive landscapes, and for them to get a sense of the beauty, complexity of the living heritage therein. I want them to understand that these lands can support life, not only for plants and wildlife, or livestock, but for us too. It’s important for me that they see that sustainability doesn’t come from a store; it really comes from the land.”