BLM Utah manages two National Conservation Areas:  Red Cliffs and Beaver Dam Wash.  Both are managed by the St. George Field Office.

Featured National Conservation Area: Red Cliffs National Conservation Area

Landscape image of Red Cliffs NCA

The approximately 45,000 acres of public land in the Red Cliffs NCA are located in south-central Washington County. The towering Pine Valley Mountains and Dixie National Forest lie to the north, while the communities of Ivins, Santa Clara, St. George, Washington, and Leeds ring the NCA. The NCA is an important component of the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve, a multi-jurisdictional land base that has been collaboratively managed by BLM, the State of Utah, Washington County, and local municipalities since 1996 to protect populations and habitat of the threatened Mojave Desert tortoise and other at-risk native plant and animal species.  

All Utah National Conservation Areas

All Utah national conservation areas are below.