BLM closes Marion Creek Campground early due to bear activity


Bureau of Land Management

BLM Office:

Central Yukon Field Office

Media Contact:

FAIRBANKS, Alaska — Due to ongoing bear activity in and around Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Marion Creek Campground at Milepost 180 Dalton Highway, the BLM Central Yukon Field Office is closing the campground for public safety. The campground will close Saturday, September 9 and remain closed for winter until reopening with normal spring operations in late May 2024.

The BLM appreciates the public’s understanding of the need to close the campground a little earlier than expected this fall. While the Marion Creek Campground is closed for the season, travelers can continue to enjoy other alternatives along the Dalton Highway, such as the Arctic Circle Campground or the Five Mile Campground. Visit the Dalton Highway Recreation webpage to learn more about opportunities to recreate on public lands in the area.  

Remember, bears have only a few months to build up fat reserves for a long winter in dens and are always looking for something to eat. It is important to prevent them from learning that human food or garbage is an easy meal. It is not safe to feed bears, either on purpose or by not securing food or garbage away from bears. Here are some tips to keep bears out of camp:

  • Keep a clean camp. Wash your dishes. Avoid smelly and greasy foods such as bacon or smoked fish. Keep food smells off your clothing.
  • Cook away from your tent. Store all food away from your campsite if possible. Secure food out of reach of bears.
  • Burn food waste completely in a hot fire. Pack everything else out. Food and garbage are equally attractive to a bear so treat them with equal care.
  • Remember, pets and their food may also attract bears.
  • Odorous items such as toothpaste, toiletry items and even gasoline should be stored away from your campsite and out of reach of bears.

For more information, please contact the BLM Central Yukon Field Office at (907) 474-2200. 


Bureau Of Land Management, Fairbanks District Office, 222 University Avenue, Fairbanks, AK  99709

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The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.