Eastern Washington Resource Advisory Council

RAC map

The Eastern Washington Resource Advisory Council (RAC) provides advice and recommendations on all aspects of public land management to the BLM's Spokane District Office, as well as the Colville and Okanogan National Forests.

The Eastern Washington RAC meets periodically (2-4 times/yr) at various communities within the RAC's boundary. The RAC schedules field tours for specific projects or issues on their agenda. All RAC meetings are open to the public, and each meeting includes time for the public to present or comment on issues for RAC consideration.

Meeting minutes retained by the Designated Federal Official (DFO) after each meeting are posted on this website after their approval.

The Secretary of the Interior appoints citizens to staggered three-year terms on the Council, so one-third of the member terms expire yearly. Each spring, the BLM encourages Washington residents to apply, or nominate others to apply, for open positions they would like to represent.

Membership is balanced to reflect the array of interests and users of public lands:

  • Five members in Category 1 represent commodity interests such as grazing permittees, commercial timber, energy and mining, developed recreation and/or off-highway vehicle groups, and transportation & rights-of-way.
  • Five members in Category 2 represent conservation interests such as environmental organizations, historic & cultural interests, conservation, and dispersed recreation.
  • Five members in Category 3 represent community interests such as elected officials, Indian Tribes, State resource agencies, academicians involved in natural sciences, and the public-at-large.


Member Interest Term Start Term End
Chase Hubbard Federal grazing permittee  5/21/2019 5/21/2022
John Thompson Developed Outdoor Recreation 5/21/2019 5/21/2022
Marc Hildesheim OHV Users 11/3/2020 11/3/2023
Bradley Parrish Outdoor Recreation 9/10/2020 9/10/2023
Maurice Williamson Commercial Timber 9/10/2020 9/10/2023
Ken Carmichael Wild Horse and Burro 5/21/2019 5/21/2022
Vacant Category 2    
Paul Mellick Dispersed Recreation  5/21/2019 5/21/2022
Vacant Category 2    
Corinna Hanson Environmental Organization 6/27/2018 6/27/2021
Mark Stedman Elected Official 6/27/2018 6/27/2021
Vacant Category 3    
Vacant Category 3    
Vacant Category 3    
Vacant Category 3    


The RAC last met in October 2017. No meetings are currently planned.

Meeting Minutes

RAC Materials

RAC Contacts

DFO: Kurt Pindel

RAC Coordinator: Vacant

Apply for this RAC!

The nomination period is CLOSED. Please contact the RAC coordinator with questions.

Please email or physically mail your application to the RAC contact listed above. A complete application package includes:

  • The application, which must be printed and signed with a pen.
  • At least one letter of support
  • Resume (optional)