The Western Montana Resource Advisory Council (RAC) is an official federal advisory committee that provides advice and recommendations on all aspects of public land management to the Bureau of Land Management's Butte, Missoula, and Dillon Field Offices. It operates on the principle of collaborative decision-making and strives for consensus before making official recommendations to BLM. In fact, our motto is "Making Significant Progress Towards Consensus."
Since it was established in 1995, the Western Montana RAC has assisted in developing the Montana BLM's Standards for Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Livestock Grazing, and the Whitetail/Pipestone Travel Management Plan. Most recently, Council involvement has focused on development of the Dillon Resource Management Plan and the Sustaining Working Landscape Initiative.
The RAC has 15 members, balanced to reflect various interests and users of public lands.
- 5 members representing commercial uses and users such as livestock grazing, timber, mining, oil & gas, realty & rights-of-way, off-highway vehicle groups, and outfitters and guides.
- 5 members representing environmental organizations, historic & cultural interests, wildlife organizations, wild horses & burros, and dispersed recreation.
- 5 members representing elected officials, Tribes, state or other governmental agencies, academicians involved in natural sciences, and the public-at-large.
The Western Montana RAC meets approximately every quarter. Meeting locations alternate between the Butte, Missoula, and Dillon field offices, with the Field Manager at the meeting location serving as the Designated Federal Official (DFO) and host of the meeting.