Hunting in the Steens Mountain Area

Hunting in the Steens Mountain Area

In October of 2000, Congress designated Steens Mountain and the surrounding area as the Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Area (CMPA). Motorized vehicles must stay on designated routes within the CMPA. No off-road vehicle travel is allowed. Included in the CMPA was the designation of 170,000 acres as the Steen Mountain Wilderness. Below is important information on prohibited uses and specific use guidelines:

Prohibited Uses

  • Use motorized equipment or motor vehicles, motorboats, or other forms of mechanical transport including bicycles, deer carts, wheelbarrows, chainsaws, and generators.
  • Cutting trees.
  • Build, install, or erect structures or installations, including transmission lines, motels, vacation homes, sheds, stores, resorts, organization camps, hunting and fishing lodges, electronic installations, and similar structures other than tents, tarpaulins, temporary corrals, and similar devices for overnight camping.
  • Build temporary or permanent roads.
  • Operate a commercial enterprise without an authorized permit from BLM.
  • Build aircraft landing strips, heliports, or helispots.
  • Land aircraft, or drop or pick up any material, supplies or person by means of aircraft, including a helicopter, hang glider, hot air balloon, parasail, or parachute.
  • Enter or use wilderness areas without authorization, where the BLM requires authorization.
  • Engage or participate in competitive use, including those activities involving physical endurance of a person or animal, foot races, watercraft races, survival exercises, war games, or other similar exercises.
  • Violate any BLM regulation, authorization, or order.

Specific Use Guidelines

  • Management of party sizes will limit groups to a maximum of 12 individuals and 18 recreational stock, except for historic permitted and American Indian uses.
  • Length-of-stay limited to 14 days.
  • Dogs allowed in all areas, but are required to be under voice or physical control.
  • Catholes for human waste are required and must be at least 150 feet (60 footsteps) from all water sources, campsites and trails. Packing out of human waste is strongly encouraged and may be required for certain permitted activities.
  • Toilet paper is required to be packed out.
  • Overnight camping is allowed in Rooster Comb and Little Blitzen Research Natural Area (RNA) in historically used areas when consistent with the purpose of the RNA and Steens Mountain Wilderness/Wild and Scenic Rivers Plan objectives.
  • Camping is allowed at Wildhorse Lake in a defined area in designated campsites.
  • No overnight recreational stock use at Wildhorse Lake is allowed. No camping is allowed in Little Wildhorse RNA.
  • Grazing of recreational stock is allowed consistent with Standards and Guidelines for Rangeland Health (S&Gs).
  • Recreational stock may graze freely in the No Livestock Grazing Area of Steens Mountain Wilderness, except Little Blitzen RNA where such use will be monitored.
  • Pack goats will be highlined or picketed.
  • Tying recreational stock to trees will only be allowed for loading and unloading. No tying of recreational stock to trees overnight is allowed.
  • No permanent caches allowed by SRP holders or the general public in Steens Mountain Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers.
  • The installation, erection, or building of temporary or permanent structures is prohibited except for immediate use while camping or by authorized permit from BLM.

Wilderness Study Areas

Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) are places that have been determined to have wilderness characteristics. The BLM is managing these areas like wilderness. In WSAs, you may drive on designated jeep roads (those that are not posted closed). No off-road travel is allowed.

Please help keep the Steens Mountain Wilderness a special place and have a safe and enjoyable hunt.