Nevada Special Recreation Permit Program
Nevada Field Offices administer Special Recreation Permits (SRPs) for Commercial, Competitive, Organized Group Use, Vendor, and Special Area Use. This page provides an overview of Nevada SRPs. Please see list below for the appropriate field office contact if you have any further questions regarding the Special Recreation Permit program or if you would like to hold a pre-application consultation.
Special Recreation Permits
Special Recreation Permits are authorizations that allow specific recreational uses of the public lands and related waters. They are issued to manage visitor use, protect natural and cultural resources, and provide a mechanism to accommodate commercial recreational uses. Authorized by the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA), permits are required for the following types of uses: commercial, competitive, individual or group use in special area, vending activities on BLM public lands, or organized group activities and events.
Objectives of the Special Recreation Permit Program
The objective of the BLM recreation permitting system is to satisfy recreational demand within allowable use levels in an equitable, safe, and enjoyable manner while minimizing adverse resource impacts and user conflicts. Additionally, the BLM issues SRPs as a mechanism to provide fair market value to the United States for the recreational use of permitted uses of public lands. All fees related to SRPs are retained locally by the office in which they were collected and are restricted to be used in accordance with FLREA and aimed to benefit the visitors directly. Examples of these uses include recreation facility maintenance, repair, and enhancement; interpretation and visitor services; law enforcement; and certain habitat restoration.
Please download our Fact Sheet for additional information.
Battle Mountain District:
Mount Lewis Field Office
Email: blm_nv_ml_srp@blm.govTonopah Field Office
Email: blm_nv_to_srp@blm.gov
Carson City District:
Sierra Front Field Office
Email: blm_nv_sf_srp@blm.govStillwater Field Office
Email: blm_nv_sw_srp@blm.gov
Elko District:
Tuscarora Field Office
Email: blm_nv_tu_srp@blm.govWells Field Office
Email: blm_nv_wl_srp@blm.gov
Ely District:
Bristlecone Field Office
Email: blm_nv_bc_srp@blm.govCaliente Field Office
Email: blm_nv_ca_srp@blm.gov
Southern Nevada District:
Las Vegas Field Office
Email: blm_nv_lv_srp@blm.govPahrump Field Office
Email: blm_nv_ph_srp@blm.govRed Rock/Sloan Field Office
Email: blm_nv_rr_srp@blm.gov
Winnemucca District Office
Black Rock Field Office
Email: blm_nv_br_srp@blm.govHumboldt Field Office
Email: blm_nv_hr_srp@blm.gov