Jackson Hotshots

The Jackson Interagency Hotshots are the only Bureau of Land Management fire resource based east of the Mississippi River and one of four Interagency Hotshot Crews in the Southern Geographic Area. The main objectives for the program are:

  • Protecting life, property, and resources threatened by wildland fires.

  • Responding to stabilization efforts for All-Risk incidents (Hurricanes, Floods, etc.).

  • Implementation of fuels management projects using prescribed fire and mechanical methods.

  • Provide training cadre to local, regional, and national training efforts.

Crew Mission Statement - The Jackson Interagency Hotshot Crew is an organization dedicated to increasing diversity for underrepresented populations in land-based agencies while maintaining the highest level of safety and professionalism.

Crew Core Values

Safety - Duty - Respect - Integrity - Teamwork - Self Discipline - Family

Since the formation in 1997, the crew has responded to wildland fire incidents from Florida to Alaska. Other notable assignments include recovery efforts for hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Dorian. The crew has also responded to national disasters such as to Ground Zero following the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and the recovery of Space Shuttle Columbia.




Track the Hotshots



Jackson Hotshot Crew
3405 US-80
Pearl, MS  39208

Telephone: 601-919-4736

For questions or inquiries about Temporary-Seasonal hiring for the 2024 season, please email Darren O'Loughlin (Superintendent) at doloughlin@blm.gov

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