Grandmother Mountain
The Grandmother Mountain WSA varies from heavily forested drainages to bare alpine peaks; Widow Mountain at 6,826 feet being the highest. Numerous small streams, several with high mountain lakes at their heads, are located in the WSA. This is a little-disturbed remnant landscape in an area that has otherwise been logged and roaded. Important because of its ecological diversity, the Lund Creek drainage has been designated an Area of Critical Environment Concern for its old growth hemlock and subalpine fir forest and aquatic wet meadow, marsh, and sphagnum bog ecosystems not found elsewhere in the region. Four streams in the WSA have been determined to be eligible for Wild and Scenic River designation because of the important fisheries habitat provided for bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. The WSA offers opportunities for hiking, hunting, fishing, cross-country skiing, primitive camping and nature and wildlife observation.
Visitation Information
From Avery, ID, drive the Fishhook Creek Road, crossing over the river, 2 ¼ miles west to an intersection and take the left fork which is Forest Road 301. Drive FR 301 12 miles to FR 216, turning right. Drive 216 just short of 1 mile to a four way intersection turning left onto the unsigned FR 1925. Drive 1925 2 ¼ miles to a ford creek crossing. The Fish Lake trailhead parking is on the left at the top of the rise just past the ford, and the trail is another 200 feet further on the right.
Visitor Advisory
Access roads are gravel or dirt which may require vehicles with clearance. Access roads are not plowed in winter.