My Wild Horse Story: Ashley and Chico

My name is Ashley. Back in 2017 I adopted my first mustang, Chico, from the Teens and Oregon Mustang Challenge in Albany Oregon. Chico was from the South Steens herd in Oregon and was once known in the wild as Cypress. His dam is Sequoia and his sire is One Feather.

Chico was about a year old and only halter broke when I got him. Over the last few years, we have been working together and have created an amazing partnership based on communication, respect, and trust. Chico is a willing partner in all of our endeavors. He enjoys ground work and is so smart picking up quickly what I am asking of him.

Together we have trailed many miles to different events, beach rides, and trail rides, even competing in open shows this year together for the first time under saddle. Chico’s personality is contagious, people light up when they see him. He has been a very easy going and sweet horse and the best teacher I could ask for.

Chico has showed me a love and true passion for training horses. He has inspired me to push myself and be a better equestrian, that I am capable of many things. I know we are heading towards bigger and better things together. I am excited for our future and look forward to adopting more mustangs, and being an advocate for mustang adoptions by showing everyone how truly amazing these horses are. 

Two horses on the range.

Two people standing with a horse in from of a banner that reads Oregon Mustang Challenge

Woman with horse head in her arms.

Trainer with a horse bowing.


Rider on a horse on the beach.


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