
Empty nests

Greater sage-grouse hens and their broods of growing chicks spend the long days of summer on walkabouts, continuing to rely on sagebrush and native grasses for food and shelter.

Separate quarters, common goals

Proposed amendments to 11 resource management plans will support conservation of the Gunnison sage-grouse, listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 2014.

Using and sustaining sagebrush lands

Plans for managing greater sage-grouse habitat on public lands work to sustainably balance conservation with other authorized uses, including oil & gas development.

Objectives, measures & monitoring

Plans for managing greater sage-grouse habitat on public lands set objectives for vegetation conditions, describe management tools to balance conservation with other uses and establish thresholds for adaptive management.

In Balance: Range-wide consistency & Local flexibility

Current planning uses the latest data from states and new science to adjust the boundaries of habitat management areas (HMAs) on nearly 67 million acres of greater sage-grouse habitat on BLM-managed public lands.