Utah Travel and Transportation
Travel and transportation are an integral part of virtually every activity that occurs on public lands. The BLM conducts comprehensive travel and transportation planning to determine why and how to manage roads, trail systems and associated areas on public land to best meet transportation needs. All forms of transportation including foot, horseback and other pack-animal use, mechanized vehicles such as bikes, and motorized vehicle use, are addressed through creation of comprehensive travel and transportation management plans.
A comprehensive travel and transportation management plan includes a wide-ranging analysis considering the access needs of public lands users. Access needs are evaluated in conjunction with BLM’s legal mandate to protect natural and cultural resources on public lands. Individual route evaluations and designations included in the TMP will be analyzed in through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. Federal law requires specific evaluation and designation for public motorized uses, referred to in regulation as off-highway vehicles (OHVs). Based on this analysis every BLM route within the TMA will receive designation for its use types or use limitations.
Travel management plans are dynamic. Once a plan is complete, routes and route designations can be changed as needed due access issues (inholding access for example), new development (new mt. bike trail for example), resource changes (landslide or resource damage for example), as needed and as directed by the Resource Management Plan or NEPA process results.
On May 31, 2017 a settlement agreement was reached in the case titled Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, et al.v U.S Department of the Interior, et al.. This agreement has significant implications for travel and transportation planning efforts in the Richfield, Price, Moab, Kanab, and Vernal BLM field offices.
Travel Management Areas Map
BLM Utah Travel Management Areas (enlarged map of below)
Travel Management Areas
Bears Ears National Monument is not currently engaged in travel management planning. Implementation of the 2020 Bears Ears National Monument Management Plan is ongoing.
Cedar City Field Office is currently engaged the early phases travel management planning for specific areas. Route inventories have been completed office-wide and preliminary route evaluation work has been done for much of the field office. The focus in the near future will be on areas affected by the Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment (2015).Implementation of current planning guidance and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.
Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment
Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment
Salt Lake Field Office is currently engaged the early phases travel management planning for specific areas. The focus in the near future will be on areas affected by the Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment (2015). Implementation of current planning guidance and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.
The 2020 Monument Management Plan carried forward the Travel Management Plan from the 2000 Monument Management Plan.
Kanab Field Office Travel Management Area Map (also shows Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument boundaries)
Kanab Field Office Travel Management Area Map
2008 Kanab Resource Management Plan
2000 Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Management Plan
Trail Canyon Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Color Country District, Kanab Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Trail Canyon Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 182,731 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Kane County, Utah. Plans expected to be complete on or before May 2021 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
Paunsaugunt Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Color Country District, Kanab Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Paunsaugunt Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 185,987 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Kane County, Utah. Plan expected to be complete on or before May 2023 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
Other areas within the Kanab Field Office
Implementation of the Kanab 2008 Resource Management Plan, the 2000 Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Management Plan and more recent small-scale travel management projects are ongoing.
The 2008 Moab Resource Management Plan includes a travel management plan for the entirety of the Moab Field Office. However, there are a few travel management planning efforts that cover sections of the office.
Canyon Rims Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management Moab Field Office has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact and a Decision Record that implements a Travel Plan for the Canyon Rims Travel Management Area. The Plan designates routes for public motorized travel in the Canyon Rims and Shafer Basin areas south of Moab. The Canyon Rims Travel Management area covers approximately 90,954 acres of BLM managed lands in northern San Juan County, Utah. It includes the western portion of the Canyon Rims Special Recreation Management Area as well as the Shafer Basin. Learn more on ePlanning on the Canyon Rims Travel Management Area Project Homepage.
Labyrinth/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area
The BLM Canyon Country District Moab Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area (TMA).This TMA covers approximately 300,000 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Grand County, Utah. Plan expected to be complete on or before May 2023 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Canyon Country District, Moab Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Labyrinth/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 303,993 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Grand County, Utah. Plan expected to be complete by or before May 2023 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement. Learn more on ePlanning at the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Plan Homepage.
Dolores River Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Canyon Country District, Moab Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Dolores River Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 126,829 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Grand County, Utah. Plan expected to be complete by or before May 2025 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
Book Cliffs Travel Management Area
See Book Cliffs Travel Management Area in Vernal Field Office
Other areas within the Moab Field Office
Implementation of the Moab 2008 Resource Management Plan and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.
Monticello Field Office is not currently engaged in travel management planning. Implementation of the 2008 Monticello Resource Management Plan and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.
2008 Price Resource Management Plan
San Rafael Desert Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Green River District, Price Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the San Rafael Desert Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 377,608 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Emery County, Utah. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Decision Record (DR) for the San Rafael Desert Travel Management Plan were signed on August 21, 2020.
San Rafael Swell Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Green River District, Price Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 1,154,411 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Emery and Sevier counties in Utah. Includes approximately 1,110,189 acres of BLM managed land in the Price Field Office and approximately 44,222 acres of BLM managed land in the Richfield Field Office that will be covered in a single TMP. Plan expected to be complete in 2023 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
Nine Mile Canyon (Price) Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Green River District, Price Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Nine Mile Canyon (Price) Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 120,389 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Carbon County, Utah. Plan expected to be complete by or before May 2024 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
Other areas within the Price Field Office
Implementation of the Price 2008 Resource Management Plan and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.
2008 Richfield Resource Management Plan
Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Color Country District, Richfield Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Henry Mountains and Fremont Gorge Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 1,451,410 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Garfield and Wayne counties in Utah. Plan expected to be complete on or before November 2019 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
San Rafael Swell Travel Management Area
View the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Area in the Price Field Office.
Other areas within the Richfield Field Office
Implementation of the Richfield 2008 Resource Management Plan and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.
Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment
Salt Lake Field Office is currently engaged the early phases travel management planning for specific areas. The focus in the near future will be on areas affected by the Utah Greater Sage-Grouse Approved Resource Management Plan Amendment (2015). Implementation of current planning guidance and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.
St. George Field Office is currently engaged the early phases travel management planning office-wide. Route inventory and preliminary route evaluation work has been done for the field office. The office is currently working on a Draft Environmental Assessment and Travel Management Plan. Implementation of current planning guidance and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.
2008 Vernal Resource Management Plan
Dinosaur (North) Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Green River District, Vernal Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Dinosaur (North) Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 220,294 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Daggett and Uintah counties in Utah. Plan expected to be complete in 2022 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
Book Cliffs Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Green River District, Vernal Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Book Cliffs Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 602,750 total acres in portions of Uintah and Grand counties in Utah. Includes approximately 599,007 acres of BLM managed land in the Vernal Field Office and approximately 3,743 acres of BLM managed land in the Moab Field Office that will be covered in a single TMP. Plan expected to be complete by or before November 2022 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
Nine Mile Canyon (Vernal) Travel Management Area
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Green River District, Vernal Field Office is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) for travel routes and route uses in the Nine Mile Canyon (Vernal) Travel Management Area (TMA). This TMA covers approximately 296,238 acres of BLM managed land in portions of Duchesne and Uintah counties in Utah. Plan expected to be complete by or before May 2024 as required by the 2017 settlement agreement.
Other areas within the Vernal Field Office
Implementation of the Vernal 2008 Resource Management Plan and more recent small-scale travel management projects is ongoing.