Hazardous Site or Trespass Data Standard Version 3.0

Information Bulletin

Bureau of Land Management
Oregon State Office
P.O. Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208
United States

In Reply Refer To:

1283/1601/9167 (OR955/930) P

To:Deputy State Directors, District Managers, and Branch Chiefs
From:Branch Chief, Information Resources Management
Subject:Hazardous Site or Trespass Data Standard Version 3.0
Administrative or Mission Related:


Information Bulletin:

This information bulletin announces the availability of and describes the recent updates to the Hazardous Site or Trespass Data Standard Data Standard Version 3.

The Hazardous Site or Trespass (HAZ_TRES) dataset represents spatial location and basic information about hazardous or potentially hazardous sites, or trespass or potential trespass sites. Hazards might be physical or environmental. The sites might be prior authorized development such as abandoned mine lands. Trespass is defined as unauthorized use, occupancy or development other than casual use, upon public lands without a prior land use authorization or a right granted by statute or law, that causes physical damage to public lands, property located thereon or resources or loss of revenue to the United States.

This dataset is used to display hazardous areas or trespass sites on maps for field verification and briefings. The spatial features can be combined with other spatial datasets to assess impact to resources and for reporting purposes. There are reporting requirements to regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality as well as BLM "Environmental Disposal Liabilities" reports to the US Department of the Interior.

The following changes were applied:

  • Reformatted document to meet Section 508 standards and match the latest data standard template.
  • Updated FOIA category, keywords, and subject function codes.
  • Updated architecture diagrams.
  • Changed data type of REPORT_DT and CLOSE_DT from string to date.
  • Added date accuracy fields REPORT_DT_ACC and CLOSE_DT_ACC.
  • Increased length of CLASSIFIER field to 30 to match ODF conventions.
  • Moved COMMENTS field to end of attribute list.
  • Changed length of SITE_STAT field from 50 to 30.
  • Added field aliases, edit tracking fields, default values for required fields, and constraint rules.
  • Modified BLM_ORG_CD to show it is auto calculated on data entry.
  • Added attribute rules to editing procedures.
  • Changed document cover photo.

Any questions about this data standard can be directed to Rebecca Hile, State Data Steward for Hazardous Site or Trespass at 458-231-1533; Aaron Ennis, Technical Lead at 541-915-4034; Dana Baker-Allum, Geospatial Data Designer at 503-808-6320; or Eric Hiebenthal, State Data Administrator at 503-808-6565.

Signed By:
Matthew Roth
Branch Chief, Information Resources Management
Authenticated By:
Melissa Brown
Government Information Specialist