Easements and Rights-of-Way Data Standard V3.0

Information Bulletin

1220 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR
Portland, OR 97204
United States

United States Department of the Interior
Oregon State Office
P.O. Box 2965
Portland, Oregon 97208

MAY 2, 2022

1283/2101/2801/2812/9167 (OR955/930) P

Information Bulletin No. OR-2022-023

To: Deputy State Directors, District Managers and Branch Chiefs
From: Branch Chief, Information Resources Management
Subject: Easements and Rights-of-Way Data Standard V3.

This Information Bulletin announces the availability of the updated Easements and Rights-of-Way (ESMTROW) Spatial Data Standard Version 3.

The Easements and Rights-of-Way dataset is a spatial representation of ESMTROW. It is a portion of the total encumbrance data category that includes information about entities, rights, and restrictions relating to the use of Federal public land or to the use of non-Federal land by the Federal and public entities.

This dataset is used for depicting the ESMTROW on maps. All Bureau of Land Management (BLM) planning and management actions must identify any encumbrances on the land. Existing ESMTROW are intersected with other resources to determine impact and/or feasibility of the proposed action.

This dataset is intended to contain ESMTROW granted or held by the BLM. Others may be included, if needed, for analysis or maps associated with BLM planning activities.
The following changes were applied:

  • Reformatted the document to use the latest data standard template (with Section 508 improvements).
  • Change GRANTOR_P, GRANTOR_P_NM, RGT_P_HOLDER,RGT_P_HOLDER_NM from Required to Optional.
  • For proposed features, ESMTROW_NM, ACCESS_ESMTROW, andLOCAL_ID changed to not required.
  • Corrected FOIA category.
  • Updated Security, Access, and Sensitivity section.
  • Corrected Keywords.
  • Expanded Statewide Monitoring section.
  • Replaced title page image with new photo and description.
  • Incremented the version number on each file name and modified the file names for consistency.

Any questions about this data standard can be directed to Christie Hardenbrook, State Data Steward (ESMTROW), at 541-683-6110; Jessica LeRoy, State Data Steward (ESMTROW O&C Lands), at 503-808-6164; Frank Lahm, ESMTROW Technical Lead, at 503-808-6428; Dana Baker-Allum, Geospatial Data Designer, at 503-808-6320; or Eric Hiebenthal, State Data Administrator, at 503-808-6565.

Administrative or Mission Related: Mission Related.

Districts with unions are reminded to notify their unions of this information bulletin and satisfy any bargaining obligations before implementation. Your servicing Human Resources Office or Labor Relations Specialist can provide you with assistance in this matter.

Signed by
Jonathan LeBaron 
Deputy State Director

Authenticated by
K. Wentworth
Data Records Administrator

Attachment 1 – Easements and Rights-of-Way Data Standard v3.0 (45 pp)

OR955 (Eric Hiebenthal)
OC530 (Jesse German)
OC400 (Karen Meeker)