Curriculum Materials
Are you an educator looking for ways to expand your lesson plans? Educational materials created by Campbell Creek Science Center offer hands-on, fun, and engaging activities for inside and outside the classroom.
Wildland Fire in Alaska
Grades 4th-6th (9-12 year-olds)
How does wildland fire start and spread? What do wildland fighters do? Learn about the fundamentals of wildland fire through hands-on and engaging activities. Explore the wildland fire triangle, learn how fire ecologist study wildfire, and play an exciting game of Wildland Firefighter Olympics.
Download the Wildland Fire in Alaska Curriculum
Watershed Wonders
Grades 4-6 (9-12 year olds)
A brand-new place-based watershed curriculum for 4th-6th grade Alaskan teachers and their students. This unit brings fun, engaging science lessons to life in the virtual, in-person, or blended classroom! Explore themes on watersheds, water quality, aquatic macroinvertebrates, salmon, and watershed management.
Watershed Wonders Modules and Lessons