Coyote Buttes North Daily Lottery (The Wave) FAQs

General Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I need a permit for Coyote Buttes North (The Wave)?
You must have a permit through the Advanced or Daily Lotteries for hiking Coyote Buttes North (The Wave). The fees are $7 per person per day. Dogs must be included on the permit, and the fee is $7 per dog.
- Can I get a self-pay permit for Coyote Buttes North (The Wave) at the Wire Pass Trailhead?
No. Self-pay permits are only available for day-use within Buckskin Gulch, Paria Canyon, and Wire Pass. These permits do not give you access to Coyote Buttes North (The Wave) or South. You must purchase permits for Coyote Buttes North through the Advanced or Daily Lotteries.
- Are there other day hiking options outside of Coyote Buttes recreation area but within Paria Wilderness that are accessible from the Wire Pass Trailhead?
Self-pay permits are available for day-use within Buckskin Gulch, Paria Canyon and Wire Pass. However, these permits do not give you access to Coyote Buttes North or South. You must purchase permits for Coyote Buttes through the Advanced or Daily Lotteries.
- Am I limited to one trip to The Wave per year?
No, but you cannot hold more than one permit for a permit area at the same time.
- Am I limited to one trip to The Wave per month?
No, but you cannot hold more than one permit for a permit area at the same time.
- Is there a daily limit on people and/or groups in in Coyote Buttes North (The Wave)?
Yes. We allow up to 64 people per day and/or 16 groups per day (whichever comes first) into Coyote Buttes North (The Wave).
- What is the group size limit?
No more than six people per group. If you exceed this limit, you may be cited. Joining people on a separate permit to exceed six people is prohibited. Everyone, regardless of age, must be included on the permit. This includes infants that are not walking.
Dogs do not count toward the group limit, but there is a charge for dogs.
- Once I have my permit, can I change dates or group size?
There will be no changes or modifications allowed to permit dates, applicant name, and group size once the lottery has run. Prior to the lottery running, applications may be updated for group size through your account.
If the permit holder is not present, the permit is invalid.
- Are commercial guide permits available?
No, authorized commercial guides compete for the same permits as the general public.
- Do the required permits apply to the entire wilderness?
Permits for Coyote Buttes North are valid only for Coyote Buttes North, for the group size and date specified. They are not valid for other permit areas. Permit fees are charged for the Coyote Buttes North and Coyote Buttes South, Buckskin Gulch, Wire Pass and the Paria Canyon permit areas only. The rest of the surrounding areas are open to use without permits or limits.
There is no overnight camping authorized for any of the permits mentioned above. Visit for information on Paria Canyon Overnight permits. For Paria overnight permits, you must apply for, obtain, and purchase a permit in advance and pick up your permit in person within 10 days of the start date of your trip.
- Can I get a "rain check" after I pay my Daily or Advanced Lottery fees for the Wave?
No. Permits are non-refundable and non-transferable. We cannot issue "rain checks" for any reason.
- Can I get a refund for my Daily or Advanced Lottery fee for the Wave?
No, fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Daily Lottery Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I enter the in-person walk-in lottery?
On March 15, 2022, the Bureau of Land Management transitioned the in-person, walk-in lottery to a new mobile based geofence system to provide a safer and more convenient lottery experience. The new Daily Lottery geofence system allows applicants to use location-enabled mobile devices to apply with intentionally set geographic boundaries. Read the news release to find out more.