Active Renewable Projects

Developing Clean Energy on Public Lands

The BLM continues to receive proposals for utility-scale wind, solar, geothermal, and gen-tie line projects on public land. These projects are in various stages of review or implementation.

Applications for wind energy, and solar energy, and gen-tie projects may be processed and authorized as rights-of-way under Title V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, and Title 43, Part 2800, of the Code of Federal Regulations. Wind and solar projects are authorized under right-of-way leases within designated leasing areas and are authorized under right-of-way grants in areas outside of designated leasing areas. Geothermal energy projects are processed under the Geothermal Steam Act, as amended, and Title 43, Part 3200, CFR, and are authorized under leases and permits.


The tables below provide a current list of active renewable energy projects as follows:


Additional information can be found by clicking on the project name, or by viewing the public MLRS Reports.

List of Acronyms Used on This Page

BLM Bureau of Land Management
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DNA Determination of NEPA Adequacy
DR Decision Record
EA Environmental Assessment
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
Gen-Tie Generation Interconnect
MW Megawatt
NOA Notice of Availability
NOCO Notice of Competitive Offer
NOI Notice of Intent
POD Plan of Development
ROD Record of Decision
SEZ Solar Energy Zone


Renewable Energy Projects Approved (as of September 1, 2024)

As part of the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to achieve 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2035 and meet the Energy Act of 2020 goal of permitting 25 gigawatts of renewable energy on public lands by 2025, the BLM has approved the following renewable energy projects with a Record of Decision or Decision Record.

These tables represent 41 projects approved by the Biden-Harris administration (10 solar, 13 geothermal, and 18 gen-ties) on approximately 12,002 acres of BLM-managed lands. These projects expect to produce up to 8161 megawatts of electricity — enough to power up to 3,109,156 homes' electricity use for one year. (Here is an explanation of how this number was calculated.) 

Solar Projects Approved (10)
State Project Name Potential Output (MW) BLM Acres Status
CA Arica Solar 265 1,355 EA Released 8/6/21
EA Completed 12/20/21
DR Executed 12/20/21
CA Crimson Solar 350 2,600 NOI Publication 3/9/18
NOA Draft EIS 11/1/19
NOA Final EIS 2/24/21
ROD Executed 5/3/21
CA Oberon Solar 500 2,700 EA Released 8/13/21
EA Completed 1/13/22
DR Executed 1/13/22
CA Victory Pass Solar 200 1,310 EA Released 8/6/21
EA Completed 12/20/21
DR Executed 12/20/21
NM Ancient Trails 1 9 EA Released 8/8/22
EA Completed 9/16/22
DR Executed 9/16/22
NM City of Santa Fe 0.5 0.7 EA Completed 7/31/23
DR Executed 7/31/23

Dry Lake East

150 2,000 DR Executed 4/19/24
NV Libra Solar 700 5141

NOI Publication 4/24/23 
NOA Draft EIS 1/19/24 
NOA Final EIS 7/26/24 
ROD Executed 9/16/24 

NV Luning II Solar 70 400 EA Released 9/23/21
EA Completed 12/17/21
DR Executed 12/17/21
NV Townsite Solar 2 19 80 EA Released 8/3/23
EA Completed 9/26/23
DR Executed 9/26/23
  TOTAL 2,256 15,595.7
Geothermal Projects Approved (13)
State Project Name Potential Output (MW) BLM Acres Status
CA Ormesa 1 4 15 DNA Released 6/10/22
DNA Completed 9/16/22
DR Executed 9/16/22
NV Baltazor Geothermal 60 84 EA Released 12/1/20
EA Completed 5/21/21
DR Executed 5/21/21
NV Crescent Valley Geothermal 48 29

EA Completed 3/30/22
DR Executed 3/30/22

NV Dixie Meadows Geothermal 60 206 EA Released 7/18/16
EA Released 1/21/21
EA Completed 11/23/21
DR Executed 11/23/21
NV Gerlach Exploration TBD 29 EA Released 8/19/22
EA Completed 10/21/22
DR Executed 10/21/22
NV San Emidio II - North Valley Geothermal 40 130 EA Released 11/27/20
EA Completed 5/21/21
DR Executed 5/21/21
NV Star Peak - Humboldt House Geothermal 20 0 DNA Executed 1/25/22
NV Wabuska Exploration/Resource Confirmation TBD 55 DR Executed 4/1/24
NV Weepah Hills Exploration/Resource Confirmation TBD 4 EA Released 9/26/2023 
EA Complete 11/21/2023
DR Executed 11/21/2023
NV Whirlwind Exploration/Resource Confirmation TBD 29 DR Executed 3/14/24
UT Cape Modern Exploration TBD 172 DR Executed 2/12/23
UT Ormat Bailey Mountain Geothermal TBD 62 EA Released 2/22/22
DR Executed 4/29/22
UT Rodatherm Pilot Project 2.5 10 DR Executed 9/11/23
  TOTAL 234.5 825
Gen-Tie Projects Approved (18)
State Project Name Potential Output (MW) BLM Acres Status
AZ HV Sunrise 150 34 EA Released 3/14/22
DR Executed 5/18/22
CA Bellefield 1,500 4 CX Pending
DR Executed 8/10/22
ID Moon Crater 301 5.5 DR Executed 6/13/23
NV Big Horn Solar I 300 162 NOI Publication 5/8/20
NOA Draft EIS 3/12/21
NOA Final EIS 6/3/21
ROD Executed 7/14/21
NV Big Horn Solar II 100 156 NOI Publication 5/8/20
NOA Draft EIS 3/12/21
NOA Final EIS 6/3/21
ROD Executed 7/14/21
NV Grass Valley Solar 340 15 DNA Completed 10/20/21
DR Executed 10/20/21
NV Hot Pot Solar 350 1 EA Completed 4/16/21
DR Executed 4/16/21
NV Iron Point II Solar 250 4 EA Completed 4/16/21
DR Executed 4/16/21
NV Tamarack Solar 60 5 DNA Complete 6/9/22
DR Executed 6/9/22
NM Arroyo Solar 300 15 EA Completed 12/11/20
DR Executed 12/11/20
NM La Mesa Solar Interconnect 20 14 DR Executed 12/21/22
NM San Juan Solar 600 135 EA Pending
DR Executed 1/5/22
NM Sunbelt Solar 100 6 CX Pending
DR Executed 6/10/22
UT Hornshadow Solar 250 13 EA Released 9/29/21
EA Completed 12/7/21
DR Executed 12/7/21
UT RC Solar 80 16 DNA Released 10/26/22
DNA Completed 12/2/22
DR Executed 12/2/22
UT Quicksilver Cedar 300 25 EA Released 5/28/21
EA Completed 8/16/21
DR Executed 8/16/21
UT Zion Solar NextEra 80 27 DNA Completed 3/22/21
DR Executed 3/22/21
WY Rock Creek 590 85 DR Executed 3/15/23
  TOTAL 5,671 722.5


Recent and Upcoming Lease Sales or Notice of Competitive Offers (as of September 1, 2024)

The BLM offers lands for renewable energy development through competitive lease sales for geothermal or notice of competitive offers for solar. Leases not awarded through one of these methods may become available noncompetitively. This table represents recent and upcoming lease sale auctions or competitive offers.

State Date of Sale/Offer* Project Name Renewable Energy Type Acres Offered 
AZ-BLM Lease Issued 2022 Elisabeth Solar I Solar 2,254
AZ-BLM Lease issued 2022 Heliogen SR2 Solar 3,347
CO-BLM Lease Issued 2023 Pine Gate - De Tilla Gulch (SEZ) Solar 1,064
NM-BLM 2024 TBD 2024 Geothermal Lease Sale Geothermal TBD
NM-BLM Lease Sale Lease Sale - Afton SEZ Solar 937.5
NV-BLM Lease Issued 2023 NV Energy Parcel A - Amargosa SEZ Solar 3,775
NV-BLM Lease Issued 2023 NV Energy Parcel B – Amargosa SEZ Solar TBD
NV-BLM 2024 TBD Competitive Geothermal Lease Sale Geothermal 219,540
UT-BLM Lease Issued 2022 Minersville Solar Energy Parcel A Solar  80
UT-BLM Lease Issued 2022 Minersville Solar Energy Parcel B Solar TBD
UT-BLM Lease Issued 2022 Minersville Solar Energy Parcel C Solar TBD
UT-USFS 2024 TBD USFS Cove Fort Lease Geothermal 6,062

*Dates are subject to change. Please check the project website for updates.


Proposed Renewable Energy Projects In Review (as of September 1, 2024)

Projects must undergo environmental review pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The BLM currently has 41 proposed renewable energy projects, approximately 28 gigawatts, under review, including:

  • 26 proposals which are in various stages of preliminary review.  These projects have the potential to add an additional 8,590 MW on 233,096 acres.
  • The tables below represent 41 proposed renewable energy projects (30 solar, 3 wind, 5 geothermal, and 3 gen-tie) in either preliminary or NEPA review with the potential of up to 21,165 MW on 412,347 acres and anticipated to receive an agency decision.


Totals by Energy Type

Energy Type Number of Projects Potential Output (MW) BLM Acres
Solar 30 18,174 164,168
Wind 3 2,020 246,352
Geothermal 6 164 1,685
Gen-Tie 3 767 169


Projects In National Environmental Policy Act Review

Once the BLM completes preliminary review activities, projects may continue to the NEPA review process. The following table represents 15 proposed renewable energy projects (11 solar, 2 wind, 1 geothermal, and 1 gen-tie) in NEPA review with the potential of up to 12,535 MW on 179,278 acres and anticipated to receive an agency decision.


Projects In National Environmental Policy Act Review
State Project Name Energy Type Potential Output (MW) BLM Acres Status
AZ Elisabeth Solar I Solar 300 2,254 Draft EA Released 7/25/24
AZ Jove Solar 800 4,654 NOA Draft EIS Published 4/19/24
AZ Pinyon Solar 300 1,730 Public Scoping
AZ Ranegras Plains Solar 700 4,770 NOI Published 11/09/23
CA Easley Solar 650 2,745 Draft EA Released 12/12/23 
CA Sapphire Gen-Tie 117 41 Public Scoping
ID Lava Ridge Wind 1,000 75,760 NOA Draft EIS Published 1/18/23 
NOA Final EIS Published 6/7/24 
NV Bonanza  Solar 300 5,133 NOI Published 6/5/23   
NOA Draft EIS Published 9/6/24 
NV Copper Rays Solar 700 7,200 NOI Published 11/14/22
NV Dodge Flat II Solar  200 1,500 NOI Published 1/19/24
NV Esmeralda Solar Complex (E7) Solar 6,200 62,000 NOI Published 11/13/23 
NOA Draft EIS Published 7/26/24
NV Golden Currant  Solar 400 4,456 NOI Published 4/25/23 
NV Libra  Solar 700 5,778 NOI Published 4/24/23
NV Cresent Valley Geothermal 40 60 Drafting EA
NV Rough Hat Solar - Clark Solar 400 2,400 NOA Draft EIS Published 1/12/2024
NV Star Peak 2 - Utilization  Geothermal 48 130 Drafting EA
WY Two Rivers Wind Wind 420 4,505 Drafting EA


Projects In Preliminary Review

Before entering formal environmental review under NEPA, proposals for renewable energy projects undergo agency preliminary review. This includes but is not limited to adjudication for completeness and conformance with regulatory requirements, processing prioritization, and development of a cost recovery agreement with applicants.

The following table represents 26 proposed renewable energy projects (19 solar, 1 wind, 4 geothermal, and 2 gen-tie) which are in preliminary review and anticipated to receive an agency decision. If approved, these proposed projects would represent a combined potential of up to 8,590 MW on 233,096 acres.

In addition, the BLM is currently processing an additional 131 applications. These proposals can be found by viewing the public MLRS Reports.

Projects in Preliminary Review
State Project Name Energy Type Potential Output (MW) BLM Acres Status
AZ Caballero Solar Solar 200 1,278 Variance Process
AZ Chuparosa Solar Solar 300 6,626 Variance Concurrence
AZ Eagle Eye Solar Solar 400 4,830 Project Planning
AZ Heliogen SR2 Solar 165 3,347 Project Planning
AZ Leo Solar Solar 450 5,565 POD Review
AZ Rainbow Valley Gen-Tie 300 121 Project Planning
AZ Socorro Solar 350 3,032 Project Planning
AZ Southwest Crossroads Solar Solar 250 2,298 Variance Concurrence
AZ White Hills Solar Solar 450 4,300 POD Review
CA Cady Solar Solar 300 2,866 Project Planning
CA Perkins (Previously East Mesa) Solar 1,150 5,821 Project Planning
CA Redonda Solar 250 3,481 Project Planning
CA Vega Solar Gen-Tie 350 7 Project Planning
CA Yeagar Solar 400 1,878 Project Planning
NM Cowboy Solar Solar 200 2,600 POD Review
NM Rincon Exploration/Resource Confirmation Geothermal  TBD 1,475 Project Planning
NM Shiprock Solar 360 2,000 Project Planning
NV Fish Lake Utilization  Geothermal 20 80 Project Planning
NV Lone Mountain Utilization Geothermal 48 TBD Project Planning
NV Mason Valley Solar 400 2,900 Project Planning
NV Pearl Hot Springs Utilization Geothermal 48 TBD Project Planning
NV Pine Nut Solar 200 1,700 Project Planning
UT Minersville Solar 600 4,836 Project Planning
UT Neptune Solar Solar 199 1,680 Project Planning 
UT Star Range Solar 600 4,288 Project Planning
WY Jackalope Wind 600 166,087 Project Planning