Press Releases

The BLM today announced its proposed roadmap for solar energy development on public lands, designed to expand efficient and environmentally responsible solar project permitting on public lands across the West.
The Bureau of Land Management has issued a right-of-way for a new solar project located within the Dry Lake East Designated Leasing Area in Clark County, Nevada.
The Bureau of Land Management will hold a competitive geothermal lease sale on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
Avi Kwa Ame Monument Advisory Committee call for nominations
The Bureau of Land Management has published the final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Libra Solar Project in Mineral and Lyon Counties, Nevada.
Proposed projects could add up to 6.2 GW of clean energy to the grid, power 1.6 million homes
The Department of the Interior today announced that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is advancing nine solar projects on public lands that could potentially power nearly 2 million homes with clean energy.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking input on a Clark County Department of Social Services proposal to buy 20 acres of public lands in southwest Las Vegas Valley for affordable housing development.
The Bureau of Land Management Las Vegas Field Office is proposing to restore and reconnect fragmented habitat in the northern Ivanpah Valley for the threatened desert tortoise.
The Bureau of Land Management is taking public input on a proposal to transfer approximately 173 acres to the Walker River Paiute Tribe, to be held in trust by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
On or about July 08, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management plans to begin a wild horse and burro gather on and around the Blue Wing Complex (Complex) located near Lovelock, Nev., using the helicopter-assisted method.
A Notice of Availability of the final environmental analysis for the Greenlink West Transmission Project will publish to the Federal Register on June 14th initiating a 30-day public comment period that ends on July 15.
notice for August 14 & 15 Mojave Southern Great Basin meeting
BLM is seeking public input on Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA) funding for conservation, restoration, and improvement projects throughout Nevada, the Lake Tahoe Basin, and the Lake Mead NRA.

LAS VEGAS – The Bureau of Land Management today announced approval of the Dry Lake East Energy Center Solar Project on 1,635 acres of public lands in Clark County.

The Department of the Interior today announced a final rule to help guide the balanced management of America’s public lands. The final Public Lands Rule provides tools for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to help improve the health and resilience of public lands in the face of a changing climate; conserve important wildlife habitat and intact landscapes; facilitate responsible development; and better recognize unique cultural and natural resources on public lands. 

WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior today announced a final rule to revise the Bureau of Land Mana

The Biden-Harris administration today announced a series of historic milestones and actions to promote responsible clean energy development on public lands and help achieve President Biden’s goal of creating a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035.

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced a $4.8 million investment through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to boost partnerships aimed at

BLM seeks comment for the Robertson Mine Project in Nevada

Public meetings are scheduled for Apr. 1 and 2

WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is announcing a draft plan to strengthen greater sage-grous

LAS VEGAS – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Las Vegas Field Office is planning a restoration project for a portion of the Muddy River floodplain, app

CARSON CITY, Nev. The Bureau of Land Management, Carson City District is planning a prescribed burn of approximately 45 piles of woody debri