RAP Camp Applications Due May 6



BLM Office:

Oregon/Washington State Office

Media Contact:

Cheyne Rossbach
Erica Hupp

Klamath Falls, Oregon – It’s that time of year for students to sign up for the 22nd annual Resources and People (RAP) Camp held the week of June 16 at Camp Esther Applegate located at Lake of the Woods, Oregon. Applications are now being accepted from students between the ages of 13 to18 from both rural and urban areas.RAP Camp is designed to educate students about natural resource management by providing them an opportunity to take part in hands-on natural resource sessions, outdoor recreation activities and educational field trips. The camp allows kids to learn more about resources like fire ecology, wildlife, forestry, fisheries, archeology, wetlands and botany and possible careers in those fields. It also engages students in many outdoor activities like hiking, birding, swimming and canoeing. “Students attending the camp will have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and make new friends, while participating in hands-on natural resource activities,” said Cheyne Rossbach, RAP Camp Coordinator. “Cowboy poetry, a field trip to Crater Lake National Park, tour of a fish hatchery, astronomy talk and tribal storytelling while sitting around the campfire are all part of the week’s experience.”Thanks to contributions from federal, state, county and private organizations the registration fee is only $225. Financial aid is available. Applications are due May 6, 2013 and can be downloaded from the Internet at: fs.usda.gov/goto/rapcampFor additional information about RAP Camp and the application process, please contact Cheyne Rossbach at (541) 464-3245, crossbac @ blm.gov or Akimi King at (541) 885-2515, akimi_king @ fws.gov. Information is also available on our “RAP Camp” Facebook page and Web site listed above.The camp is sponsored by the Fremont-Winema, Mendocino, Sierra National Forests; Bureau of Land Management’s Lakeview, Medford and Roseburg Districts; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; National Parks Service; Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon Department of Forestry; Jackson, West Multnomah, Klamath Soil and Water Conservation Districts; The Nature Conservancy; Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust; Klamath County Cattlewomen; Oregon State University Extension Service; T.E.A.C.H., Inc.; and with contributions from other organizations.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.