Botany and Wildlife Observations and Surveys Data Standard Version 2.0

Information Bulletin

Bureau of Land Management
Oregon State Office
P.O. Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208
United States

In Reply Refer To:

1283/6500/6800/6850/9167 (OR955/930) P

To:Deputy State Directors, District Managers, and Branch Chiefs
From:Branch Chief, Information Resources Management
Subject:Botany and Wildlife Observations and Surveys Data Standard Version 2.0
Administrative or Mission Related:


Information Bulletin:

This information bulletin announces the availability of and describes the recent updates to the Botany and Wildlife Observations and Surveys Data Standard (GeoBOB) Data Standard Version 2.

The Botany and Wildlife Observations and Surveys dataset represents and includes inventory, current and historic spatial locations, habitat, and population data Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Special Status wildlife and botanical species, survey & manage, and other rare species on BLM lands in Oregon and Washington. This dataset documents surveys, inventories of species that were surveyed for, and the associated sites and observations encountered during those surveys. It also includes incidental sites and observations of wildlife and botanical species, and biologically significant features of the environment.

This dataset is used to document BLM special status species observations, discrete locations, and biological “clearance” surveys for use in NEPA analysis, ESA consultation for BLM actions, and for conservation planning strategies for special status and rare species groups. This dataset can be used to track the status of rare species through time (trend) and to document areas that have been surveyed and “cleared” prior to BLM actions that could adversely affect BLM special status species. The dataset is also used by the Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) to develop conservation planning documents and special status lists. The dataset is an important resource for historic and current documented rare species locations in the region.

The following changes were applied:

  • Reformatted document to meet Section 508 standards and match the latest data standard template.
  • Updated section 1 to make it comply with the new data structure.
  • Updated FOIA category, records retention schedule text, and keywords.
  • Corrected sponsor.
  • Updated architecture diagrams.
  • Added field aliases, edit tracking fields, and default values for required fields.
  • Updated publication dataset section to match current document conventions.
  • Added attribute rules to editing procedures.
  • Split the Collections table into separate tables for Flora Sites, Flora Obs, and Fauna Obs.
  • Split the Additional Observations table into separate tables for Survey Poly and Survey Point.
  • Renamed feature classes, tables, and attributes to better comply with Oregon Data Framework standards where possible.
  • Modified how species codes/names are recorded to simplify the data and make it easier to collect on a mobile device.
  • WIND_SPEED field name changed to WND_CND.
  • Added BLM_ORG_CD to Feature Point and Poly feature classes.
  • Added new BAIT_TYPE and SCENT_LURE_TYPE to Survey Point feature class to support Carnivore surveys.
  • The following domains were modified to remove unnecessary underscores in codes: dom_GB_FTR_STATUS, dom_GB_FTR_TYPE, dom_GB_FTR_USE, dom_GB_SOIL_TEXT, dom_GB_SUBSTRATE, dom_GB_THREAT.
  • Changed Migration Source codes ONHP to ORBIC and WADFW to WDFW.
  • Edits to Survey Method domain descriptions.
  • Other minor edits and corrections too numerous to detail.

Any questions about this data standard can be directed to Sarah Canham, State Data Steward for GeoBOB (Botany) at 541-416-6785; Carol Aron, State Data Steward for GeoBOB (Wildlife) at 541-751-4376; Tera Hinkley-Bressi, Regional GeoBOB (Botany and Wildlife Observations & Surveys) Data Steward at 503-808-6457; Dana Baker-Allum, Technical Lead at 503-808-6320; or Eric Hiebenthal, State Data Administrator at 503-808-6565.

Signed By:
Matthew Roth
Branch Chief, Information Resources Management
Authenticated By:
Katherine Wentworth
OR/WA Data Records Administrator