This Policy is Inactive

Use and Care of Government Vehicles

IM WY 2019-009
Instruction Memorandum

United States Department of the Interior
Wyoming State Office
P.O. Box 1828
Cheyenne, WY  82003-1828

In Reply Refer To:

1525 (951) P

                            April 15, 2019    

Instruction Memorandum No. WY-2019 - 009 
Expires:  09/30/2022

To:        All Employees

From:        State Director

Subject:    Use and Care of Government Vehicles

Program Area:  Fleet Management

Purpose:  As Federal employees, we have a responsibility to ensure that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) fleet is operated in a safe and efficient manner and to be cognizant of the public’s perception of how we are using our fleet. This Instruction Memorandum (IM) reiterates, in part, the existing Department of the Interior (DOI) and BLM policy regarding the use and care of Government owned/leased motor vehicles and equipment.

Changes made to the IM are as follows:

Employees will not exceed 10 hours of driving time (behind the wheel) during a 16-hour duty period.

Employees must drive safely, defensively, and observe the speed limit.

Administrative or Mission Related:  Administrative

Policy/Action:  Government owned/leased vehicles (GOV) are for official use only.

Official use of a Government vehicle is that form of transportation authorized by your supervisor and provided for the purposes of performing an assignment of duties only within the scope of Federal employment.
Unofficial/unauthorized use of GOV’s include, but are not limited to, the following situations:

  • Transporting unofficial passengers, including family members or other passengers in “ride-along” status.
  • Transporting animals, other than Law Enforcement K-9 and/or other BLM owned or sponsored animal programs as approved by the State Director.
  • Using a GOV to drive to meal breaks or other trips while off-duty, in non-travel status, or local travel, all of which have not been previously authorized by the supervisor.
  • Operating a GOV without proper training for the class of vehicle provided or without a valid operator’s license/certification.


Safety:   The following vehicle safety guidelines must be followed by every vehicle operator:

  • Eating and drinking while driving contributes to distracted driving and is strongly discouraged.
  • Employees must drive safely, defensively, and observe the speed limit.
  • Employees and passengers in GOV’s, rentals or privately owned vehicles (POV’s) are required by law to use seat belts.
  • Employees are not permitted to use a cell phone unless using a hands-free device, while operating a GOV or POV while on official travel.
  • Employees are not permitted to read or respond to e-mails or text messages while operating a GOV or a POV while on official travel. This policy also applies to the use of a personal digital/data assistant (PDA) and other similar hand-held electronic devices.
  • Employees are prohibited from smoking, consuming alcohol, narcotics or other intoxicants in GOV’s or heavy equipment.
  • Employees will not exceed 10 hours of driving time (behind the wheel) during a 16-hour duty period. Breaks of 15 minutes are recommended every 2 hours when driving continuously. At least 8 consecutive hours of rest without duty are required prior to each duty period requiring driving. 

Accidents:  Federal employees, volunteers, and contractors operating GOV’s and equipment must exercise every precaution to prevent accidents. All accidents or incidents that result in vehicle or equipment damage, employee injury and/or any situation(s) that involve vehicle damage or injury to members of the public (including private or commercial organizations, contractors and cooperators) must be reported to your immediate supervisor within one work day. These occurrences also must be recorded by the supervisor in the Safety Management Information System (SMIS):  The circumstances of the accident/incident involving property loss or damage will determine the need for referral to the Wyoming State Office (WSO) Board of Survey (BoS) for further investigation.

Driver Licenses:  Each Federal employee, including temporary staff, volunteers, or contractors using BLM-provided vehicles, is required to carry a valid operator’s license or heavy equipment certification for the appropriate class of vehicle or equipment. Current out-of-State licenses will be recognized and honored for employees on extended detail or who reside in an adjoining State and work in Wyoming (WY). In addition to a valid operator’s license, each Federal employee operating a GOV and equipment is required to have a valid U.S. Government or Agency Identification card in their possession.

Training:  All employees must participate in a Defensive Driving training course every 
3 years. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that heavy equipment operators undergo certification training every 4 years. Managers and supervisors must ensure that funding is made available to provide for this training.  

Travel/Property Protection:  Employees should exercise sound judgment in the use of the GOV while in travel status. Equipment should be removed from the vehicle or placed in a covered bin or area to prevent and/or discourage vandalism or theft. The need for after-hours use of the GOV also should be carefully considered. If there are questions about what is appropriate, the situation should be discussed with the supervisor.

Vehicle Cleanliness:  Employees are responsible for ensuring that all trash is removed from the vehicle after being driven. If a vehicle needs cleaning prior to use, ensure that the transportation specialist in the appropriate office is notified. Employees using a vehicle are responsible for filling the gasoline tank prior to returning it to the pool.

Vehicle Inspections:  Employees should perform a basic pre-trip inspection prior to operating the vehicle. The inspection should include oil/coolant levels, tire pressure/wear and visual inspections for vehicle damage. Failure to perform these checks (mirrors, horn, windshield wipers, seatbelts, and ensure proper working vehicle lights) may lead to serious safety problems, and/or cause personal or property damage.

Vehicle Reports:  Operators are responsible for entering the information associated with their trip on BLM Form 1520-42 (Vehicle Utilization Record). This Form is enclosed in the vehicle book which is issued with each fleet vehicle at check-out. An entry noting the mileage and number of gallons of fuel should be entered each time the vehicle is fueled. At the end of the trip circle the days driven, enter the total number of miles driven, and the charge codes to be used for that trip, including the Cost Center, Functional Area and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), where necessary. The cost of any repairs should also be entered on BLM Form 1520-40, and all receipts should be enclosed in the pouch provided in the vehicle book.

Remember, for many of us, use of GOV’s is a necessity in order to accomplish our work. Government drivers must use and care for GOV’s in a safe and appropriate manner to ensure personal safety and allow work to be accomplished successfully.

Timeframe:  Immediate

Budget Impact:  Vehicle repairs, caused by accidents, are funded by project funds.

Background:  Vehicle operators entrusted with motor vehicles are responsible for the proper care, operation, maintenance and protection of that vehicle. Vehicle operators are expected to operate a GOV with at least the same degree of care and diligence that they would exercise with their personal vehicle.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  Manuals are not affected nor changed. The information in this IM references the following:  DOI Motor Vehicle Management Handbook, BLM Manual 1525, and BLM Handbook G-1525-1.

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated with the Deputy State Director, Support Services, the State Safety Manager, the State Asset Manager and the Business Manager.

Contact:  Questions regarding this IM should be directed to Johnny Chavez, State Asset Manager at 307-775-6285, or Matt Clementi, Business Manager at 307-775-6007.

Signed by:                                 Authenticated by:
Mary Jo Rugwell                       Jessica Camargo
State Director                            State Director’s Office

Director (850), Room 1075, LS            1
CF                                                         1