Multiple Indicator Monitoring (MIM) of Stream Channels and Streamside Vegetation


BLM Technical Reference 1737-23

Multiple Indicator Monitoring (MIM) of Stream Channels and Streamside Vegetation was developed to provide information necessary for managers, landowners, and others to adaptively manage riparian resources. The MIM protocol is designed to be objective, riparian vegetation. Indicators and procedures in this protocol were selected and developed primarily to monitor impacts of livestock and other large herbivores on wadable streams (usually less than 10 m wide). The MIM protocol integrates annual grazing use and long-term trend indicators allowing for evaluation of livestock grazing management. Because the MIM protocol includes procedures for documenting stream condition and trend, users will also find that the long-term indicators described in this protocol are useful for monitoring changes that occur on the streambank and in the channel as a result of management activities other than grazing. The MIM protocol was developed and tested on relatively low-gradient (less than 4 percent), perennial snowmelt-dominated and spring-fed streams in the Western United States and is most applicable to those systems. Streamside riparian and wetland vegetation is a critical component within those systems for stabilizing physical stream processes and functions that influence streambank stability and channel geometry.

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Collection: BLM Library
Category: Technical Reference


Wetlands and Riparian