BLM rangers help save motorcyclist after fall from 150-foot cliff

A motorcyclist riding on public lands near the northern Arizona border fell from a 50-foot ledge with his motorcycle, then descended another 100 feet below. Thanks to the quick response of BLM law enforcement officers and other partners, the man survived.

A BLM law enforcement officer at the scene said that without the teamwork of the BLM Arizona Strip and St. George Field Offices, Washington County Deputies and Search and Rescue, Washington Fire Department, and Life Flight working together, it could have been a difficult scene and potentially worse outcome for the patient.

Group of people in a rocky desert area. Some are wearing bright yellow shirts and yellow helmets and several ropes are visible..
BLM law enforcement rangers help save visitor's life.

Search and Rescue Crews spent four hours hiking to the man’s distant location, stabilizing him, and transporting him to the hospital. Without the aid of the local helicopter hoist crew dispatched elsewhere, the rescue required a low angle technical rope lower and carry-out to the air ambulance.

BLM law enforcement rangers' skills with setting up anchors and rope systems and training as advanced emergency medical technicians provided lifesaving care for the man while awaiting the air ambulance.  

A man in a tan shirt with a BLM logo along with a group of people out in the desert.
BLM rangers assist partner agencies with accidents, search and rescue medical incidents, crimes in progress and wildfires.

"Our rangers do amazing work,” said the Arizona Strip lead district ranger. “On any given day, they can be called to assist partner agencies, respond to crimes in progress, search and rescue or medical incidents, wildfires, accidents, and more, all while patrolling our public lands. They’re highly motivated, well trained and equipped to respond to a variety of incidents. They’re asked to wear many hats and they do it well.”


Rachel Carnahan, public affairs specialist

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