Phoenix District celebrates two decades of partnership

Partnerships are essential to carrying out the work we do, day in and day out, in order to carry out the BLM's mission. The Phoenix District recently recognized one of the district's highly valued partners in a special anniversary event celebrating two decades of partnership, the Wickenburg Conservation Foundation (WCF). 

Recreation staff from the BLM Hassayampa Field Office (HFO) joined in the 20th Anniversary Celebration for the WCF at HFO's Sophie's Flat Trailhead northeast of Wickenburg, Arizona. The WCF is HFO’s longest active community partner consisting of local hikers, equestrians, retired teachers, and others interested in helping preserve Wickenburg's unique western lifestyle and landscapes. The WCF maintains and expands the area's non-motorized recreation trails, and develops and hosts a variety of STEM-based outdoor educational programs and citizen science projects offered to local schools and the community at large. Approximately 65 guests including the Wickenburg Town Mayor and Town Manager were treated to live music, interactive exhibits, burro petting with a trained burro adopted through the BLM Wild Horse and Burro program, a Dutch oven cooking demonstration, and a free lunch. 

two children pet a brown burro
Milo, a 2-year-old trained burro adopted from the BLM, bonded with Ruby Fluet, daughter of one of the WCF volunteers who assists with the Desert Awareness program.

Phoenix District Manager Leon Thomas attended and presented the WCF with a plaque thanking the group for their never-ending public service, dedication, and enthusiastic support, as well as commemorating the long-term valued partnership between the WCF and BLM. Other agency and organization partners who have been instrumental in the success of the WCF Trails and Outdoor Education Committees and deserve recognition include the Town of Wickenburg, Wickenburg Chamber of Commerce, Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Maricopa County Parks and Recreation, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Hassayampa River Preserve, Friends of the Hassayampa, General Federation of Women's Club (GFWC) Hassayampa Woman's Club, and local Wickenburg area school districts including Nadaburg and Morristown. 

five people stand in a desert landscape. one woman holds a plaque
Leon Thomas, Phoenix District Office Manager, and recreation staff Penny Foreman and Tammy Pike present WCF President Bernadine McCollum, and co-founder Penny Pietre, a plaque commemorating their 20th anniversary.


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BLM Arizona

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